A Lonely December

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Four days later, Prince and Paris are interviewed by a detective.

PRINCE JR.: Mom, do we have to do this?

RACHAEL: Yes honey, it's gonna help Daddy a lot.

PARIS: I'm scared.

RACHAEL: Don't be scared baby, I'm right here.

DETECTIVE: (comes in) Good morning.

RACHAEL: Good morning detective.

DETECTIVE: (shakes her hand) I'm detective Matthews.

RACHAEL: These are my kids, this is Prince, and Paris.

DETECTIVE: (shakes their hands) It's a pleasure to meet you both. Prince, do you mind if we start with you?


DETECTIVE: (to Rachael) Would you and Paris step outside please?

RACHAEL: Sure, come on pumpkin. (they both walk out)

DETECTIVE: Ok Prince, I'm just gonna ask you a few questions about your Dad, ok?

PRINCE JR.: (nods)

DETECTIVE: Prince, have you ever shared a bed with your Dad?

PRINCE JR.: Only when I had a nightmare or couldn't sleep.

DETECTIVE: I see. Did your Dad ever make you feel uncomfortable or scared while you were in bed?

PRINCE JR.: If you're asking if my Dad ever touched me, no. And he didn't touch Gavin either. I was in the bed that night, Dad was on the floor with Mom.

DETECTIVE: (nods) I see. And no one put you up to this?

PRINCE JR.: No, I'll even take a lie detector test.

DETECTIVE: There's no need for that son, I believe you.

PRINCE JR.: My Dad has never done anything wrong. He's the best Dad ever, and Mom is the best too. If she thought something was wrong she would have left him by now. He's never touched us inappropriately.

DETECTIVE: I see. I think we're done, thank you for coming in.

PRINCE JR.: (gets up and goes out into the hall as Rachael and Paris walk in)

DETECTIVE: Hello Paris, I'm gonna ask you some questions about Daddy, ok?

PARIS: (nods shyly)

DETECTIVE: Paris, do you ever sleep.with your Daddy in his bed?

PARIS: Sometimes.

DETECTIVE: Sometimes? Did Daddy ever make you feel scared or uncomfortable?

PARIS: No, Daddy makes me feel better when I'm scared.

DETECTIVE: I see. Did Daddy ever touch or hug you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable?

PARIS: No, Daddy never touches me like that.

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