Gone Too Soon

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Meanwhile in the ER, the doctors are working furiously to revive Michael.

(Watch from 6:00 in)

ER DOCTOR: (Charges the paddles) Charging... Clear.

The doctor shocked Michael with the paddles in an effort to restart his heart.

NURSE: (Looks at his vitals) He's flatlined. I'm not getting any pulse.

ER DOCTOR: (Nods and charges the paddles again) Stand by... Charging... Clear.

The doctor shocked Michael once more.

NURSE: (Looks at the vitals again and shakes her head sadly) Nothing.

ER DOCTOR: (Sighs) All right, I'm calling it. Time of death, 2:26 PM.

DR. CONRAD MURRAY: Are you going to tell Mrs. Jackson?

ER DOCTOR: (Glares at him) I'm not gonna do your dirty work for you. You do it. This happened on your watch, didn't it?

The doctors reluctantly pulled the white sheet up over Michael's body and turned off the machines as Dr. Murray tried to gather the courage to go out there and break the news.



Meanwhile in the waiting room, Rachael and the family are waiting for an update on Michael's condition.

DR. CONRAD MURRAY: (Swallows hard, comes over to them) Mrs. Jackson.

RACHAEL: (Immediately gets up) How's Michael? Is he okay? Can we see him?

DR. CONRAD MURRAY: (Looks down sadly) Mr. Jackson had a heart attack... The doctors did all they could.

RACHAEL: (Shakes her head in disbelief as tears begin to form in her eyes) Wh-what? No. No!

DR. CONRAD MURRAY: I am so sorry for your loss.

RACHAEL: (Snaps and lunges towards him, sobbing hysterically) YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT DID YOU DO?!

Rachael lunged at Dr. Murray, only to be restrained by Jermaine.

DR. CONRAD MURRAY: I am so sorry.

Without another word or even making eye contact, Conrad left the room. Leaving the family in grief.

RACHAEL: (Sobbing hysterically) No! No! No!

Rachael pulled Prince, Paris and Blanket into a tight embrace as they wept, they were all in utter disbelief as Rachael tried to console her children despite not fully accepting the truth.

RACHAEL: (To herself) "It couldn't be true. Michael was dead. The love of my life, the father of my children was gone. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think. All I could do was hold my children and do everything I could to comfort them as our world collapsed around us. We all stood there crying as we attempted to console one another and in that moment, despite the ups and downs and the disagreements over the years, we were united as a family, and we needed each other now more than ever."


Meanwhile at Paisley, Prince finally gets Rachael's message.

PRINCE: Take 5, guys.

Prince went and got a glass of water and checked his phone, seeing that he had a missed call from Rachael and played the voicemail.

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