Chapter 03

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| Welcome to the High School for Future Heroes in Training |

A pair of students were walking in the hallways, being loud and rambunctious, discussing with each other about what transpired during yesterday's class. The redheaded boy saw someone whom he had never seen before from the corner of his eyes, looking around helplessly lost and confused. The individual blew his breath away. They were tall and slim, but strong looking. Their hair swayed along with the wind, shining brightly against the sun. The haori that they wore was jet black, decorated with white flowers; they appear to be in uniform of some kind. Strapped on their back were two scythes: one was black and yellow, etched with pink; and the other was of the same but instead of yellow, it was purple. Why they had that in their possession, he was not sure. In their hand, they carried a single luggage.

The pink skinned girl saw her friend stopped and was looking at something, she too followed along suit, wondering what caught his attention. She saw the white haired individual and was left stunned at their beauty. "Whoa. Who's that?"

"I don't know," replied the redhead; "I'll be right back." He walks up to the person. They turned around, and he was met face to face with them. "Hey there, are you lost?" They nod. "What or who are you looking for?"

"Principal Nezu."

He had to strain his ears to hear what they just said. Seeing his struggle, they gave him a piece of paper. Written on it was [Principal Nezu]. "Oh! My friend and I can take you to him." He yells to his friend, "Hey, let's take them to Principal Nezu!" He turns around, beckoning them, "Follow us, we'll be there in no time!"

They nod. The two students led them down the hallways to the principal's office. The three attracted a lot of attention from other students, but the pair knew the center of attention was the person following from behind.

The students stopped in front of a very tall door as the pink skinned girl turns to them, saying, "Here we are!"

They nod, curtly bowing in gratitude before facing the door. *knock, knock, knock* "The door is open," says a squeaky yet deep voice from within. Opening the door, both students saw a kanji etched on the back of their outfit as they walked into the office. It read as 'Destroy'. The door closes behind them, and they were met with a bunch of people that wore strange clothings sitting around tables. At the head of the table, there sat a large but small rodent with black dotted eyes. "You must be the Slayer that has been sent at the notice of my request for assistance."


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