Chapter 016

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| Welcome to the U.S.J. Attack pt3 |

You and the Nomu charged at each other, it raises its arm back, ready to smash your skull to the ground; but you were faster as you stooped down and extended your scythe to its neck and struck at it; before back flipping to get space between the two of you, your feet kicking the Nomu's jaw in the process, making it tumble back. It tries to move, but it stops, its body slightly shaking. Blood splurges out as black thorns with purple petals pokes out. You give All Might a nod as you dash forwards towards the Nomu once again, kicking, jabbing and striking at it continuously; you were not doing much damage physically, but you paid no mind as you transferred that job to All Might by switching each other's places: him on the offense and you on the defense, vise versa. Everyone was left in awe at the coordination between you both, exchanging blows onto the Nomu and guarding each other's backs. Nobody knew a thing about you, yet here you are, successfully and efficiently aiding The #1 Pro-Hero. You were admirable and strong, there was no denying that. Suddenly, you then flipped backwards, now in front of the students, leaving All Might to deal with the Nomu.

"If your Quirk isn't shock nullification but shock absorption, then there's a limit to it, right?!" Both of them exchanged punches at insane speed, you almost could not keep up. "Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at 100%, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!" You were awestruck at the sight. 'I wonder,' you think to yourself; 'if us Demon Slayers had supernatural powers like them, could we have a chance to take down Kibutsuji Muzan?' It was wishful thinking on your end, but you could not help but wonder. "Hey, Villain. Have you ever heard these words?! Go beyond! Plus ultra!" He blasted the Nomu out of the vicinity, into the sky.

"It's like he nullified the shock absorption. Incredible."

"What insane power. Does this mean he rushed at him so fast he couldn't regenerate?"

"I really have gotten weaker. In my prime, five hits would've been enough. But it took more than 300 hits." All Might turns to the villains, saying, "Now, villains. I'm sure we'd all like to end this as soon as possible."

"He used a cheat?! Did that guy lie to me?!"

"What's wrong? You're not coming? You said you'd 'clear' this or something? Come and get me if you can."

You switched scythes, getting ready just in case.

"As I thought. It looks like there is no need for us to fight."

"Midoriya! We should get outta here now! It'll be worse if we end up getting taken hostage instead!"

"Well?! What's wrong?!"

Shigaraki Tomura profusely scratches his neck in annoyance. "If only I had Nomu!"

"Your neck will bleed if you keep this up," you say.

"Shut up! Who the hell even are you anyways?! Things would've gone in our favor if you didn't showed up!"

Your ear twitched at the sound of oncoming footsteps, multiple of them too. 'Backup took longer than expected. We need to stall for more time.' You lowered your head slightly, saying, "Fuji Y/N, a transfer student here at U. A. High School. Pleased to make your acquaintances, League of Villains' Shigaraki Tomura and Kurogiri."

"Us to you," says Kurogiri. "Shigaraki Tomura, please calm yourself. Look carefully. I see he was damaged by Nomu's attacks and definitely was weakened. Besides, the children other than Fuji-San appear to be frozen in fear. We still have underlings who can be used. There are likely only a few minutes left before reinforcements come. If you and I work together, we still have a chance of killing him."

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's right. You're right. Right. We have no chance but to do it. I mean, we have the last boss right in front of our eyes."

"All Might will do something about the main bad guys," says Kirishima Eijirou; "Let's go help the others."

You ran forwards, attacking the villains around before your classmates could move.

"Oblivion-Fuji no Kokyū, Hachi no Kata: Shi no Asagao."
(Oblivion-Wisteria Breathing, Eighth Form: Morning Glories of Death)

To the ones whom you did not slashed upon your arrival, the ones standing up now, you made sure of it by inducing them with wisteria poison. You quickly made your way back towards your classmates, securing their safety. "Absolutely not," you say.

"Whoa, cool!" Exclaims Kirishima Ejirou.

Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shoto narrows their eyes at you, trying to figure you out. Both main villains then came charging at All Might. You pulled Midoriya Izuku back into Todoroki Shoto, aware of his heroic but idiotic attempt in aiding the hero; you ran past All Might's figure and met the two head on, switching scythes swiftly.

"Harmony-Fuji no Kokyū, Shi no Kata: Hana no Kagōbutsu no Nagare."
(Harmony-Wisteria Breathing, Fourth Form: Floral Compound Flow)

Your movements looked regal and refined, but your attacks were anything but. All Might inwardly sighs in relief as you pushed them back, thankful for your aid. Just as you were about to do the last few final attacks, something pierced in the air; it zoomed past your ear and wounded Shigaraki Tomura's hand. You relaxed your shoulders slightly, knowing that reinforcements had finally arrived.

"Sorry everyone! Sorry we're late! I gathered all who were immediately available!"

You covered your ears as Present Mic lets out a yell, knocking out the villains that you had induced poison with.

"Awe man, they're here," says Shigaraki Tomura as he backs up. "It's game over now." He turns around to Kurogiri; "Shall we go home and try-?" He was then inflicted with multiple wounds, making Kurogiri shielding him.

'So that is what a gun sounds like,' you think to yourself. 'Quite obnoxiously loud.' Thirteen activated her quirk it seemed like as you saw Kurogiri gravitating towards where the staff members were.

"I may have failed this time, but I will kill you next time. And you," says Shigaraki Tomura as he points to you; "I want a rematch." And with that, they disappeared.

You nod in acknowledgment, although he was no longer there to witness it. You turn to your classmates, saying, "Go to the others. I shall stay behind to help round up any other villains left standing."

"Then we'll help you out, Fuji-Kun," says Kirishima Ejirou.

"With what experience?"

"Hah?! Oi, why're you acting as though you're better than us?!"

"Multiple occasions you all were in danger. Your reaction timings and strengths are weak and need to be polished. Lucky as you may be with I and All Might here, but need you remember, your recklessness and inexperiences could have killed not only all of you, but us two as well."


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