Chapter 017

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| Welcome to the Feelings of Responsibility |

You opened the door as soon as the bell rings, but stopped by crowds of students. They gawked at your height, unaware of such an individual in Class 1A. You tilt your head to the side slightly, a pair of tired eyes did the same unintentionally. 'Ah yes, scouting out for any potential challenges.' You made a mental note to speak to Principal Nezu about the matter later.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Why're you guys blocking the way?"

"Isn't it obvious? They're seeing their competitions aka us," says Bakugou Katsuki a matter of factly.

Those tired eyes peered into yours, analyzing you. "I recognize you. Aren't you the one who saved me last night?"

Last night? The people around the two of you wondered what he meant.

You nod. You let out a breath, calming your nerves before introducing yourself. "... Fuji Y/N. I transferred here just recently. It relieves me to know that you are fairing well."

You expected to write down what you said due to you being soft spoken, but to your surprise, you need not. "Thanks again. Hitoshi Shinsou."

You nod. "Mind if I go through? I have a meeting to get to momentarily."

He nods as he moves to the side, the others behind him doing the same cautiously. You bowed your head, walking past.


"Just as I thought," you say as you saw the panic in Toshinori Yagi's eyes upon your arrival. "The body of the strong has fallen due to a long term injury on the side of your stomach."


You put your hand up, stopping him. "No need for an explanation, all I ask of you is to take better care of yourself. Just as you said the other day, you are no longer in your days of prime."

"Exactly as Fuji-San said!" You made yourself comfortable on the couch in the office. "For now, conserve your energy for the face of it rather than practically," says Principal Nezu. His beady eyes softens at Toshinori Yagi. "Even if you are the symbol of peace, even if you wish to save those who are in need, you cannot without risking to lose the image everyone paints you as."

Anyone looking at the blonde's face knew that he was beating himself up over the fact that his time to retire will soon happen. You looked away, chewing the inside of your cheek at the sight. The feeling reminds you of Oyakata-Sama. Had he not have that disease, that curse laid upon him, it would surely ease everyone's hearts. Had Toshinori Yagi not have that wound eating at his side, it would surely ease his worries.

"Though you are losing your strength," you start, gaining the two's attention; "there is something you can do to slow down the effects, even if it is just slightly." You meekly look up, staring into his blue eyes. "Are you willing to take my hand?"

He stares into your own eyes, debating. He slowly forms a smile, one that you were well aquatinted with: a smile of defeat. "If you think I'm capable to become a student under you, then it'd be an honor, Fuji-Kun."

You nod before turning to Principal Nezu. "If I may, sir, I have a few requests to ask of you."



You knocked on Aizawa Shota's bedroom door. You heard shuffling from inside before being greeted by his tired form. Your eyes narrows slightly when you saw him. The imagery of his injured elbow and bleeding head endlessly looped in your mind. Had you hasten your arrival, perhaps you could have prevented your guardian from getting this hurt. You knew that he is a hero, therefore, he would come across situations where he could get injured; and even though you were only here because of your expertise in exterminating demons, you could have prevented this.

"This may be presumptuous of me to ask, but could I look over your injuries? Forgive me, I know you have already been thoroughly healed thanks to Chiyo-Sama, but I would like to ease my own worries."

Aizawa Shota would have said no, but seeing those eyes of guilt painted onto your features, he could not find himself to deny. He walks to the couch in the living room and sits there waiting, hearing you enter your room before seeing you coming back out with a salve and some bandages. He sits there, observing you silently as you unwrap the bandages, checking for anything out of the ordinary; applying the salve every now and then. The way how you handled him with such careful precision and care, made Aizawa Shota frown slightly. Did you do this to yourself too? Apply bandages whenever you finished a mission? Did you do this for your comrades as well? You looked aloof at the situation, and it did not sit well with him.

You are a child for goodness sake, and yet, you had to grow up and mature faster than the rest, you had to burden and shouldered heavy happenings; all for the sake that humans could rest easy in the night without demons clawing at them. He puts a hand on your head as soon as you finished applying the salve that Kochou Shinobu gave you before your departure, gently patting you. You stiffened but stayed in place, letting him. You both sat there for a while in solemn silence. The gesture reminded you of when you and Rengouku Kyoujurou had just finished up a mission. He was so kind and gentle that it almost brought you to tears, it brought so much overflowing warmth in you.

 He was so kind and gentle that it almost brought you to tears, it brought so much overflowing warmth in you

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