What-if 06

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[ Welcome to the Modern Day World ]
Scenario: What if Fuji Y/N had reincarnated?


You snapped yourself back into reality. You blinked. Had you daydreamed once again? You shake your head in disappointment, focusing your attention back towards your studies. There would be commonly brief moments where you silenced the world around you and begin to travel through your mind, it happens sometimes during random periods of the day, oftentimes more recently than ever. You remembered this becoming a natural occurrence when you were younger, you thought you had grown out from it. These daydreams are not vividly clear, rather hazy; but all of them held something in common: visions of someone fighting against something at the darkest hours, with two large scythes in hand. What that strange someone looked or sounded like, you were unsure. Each time you tried figuring out this person's identity, you find yourself back in your own life instead of observing someone else's. Many unanswered questions circled through your mind: what did these all mean? How are these connected to you? Why are these being shown to you? The longer you mulled it over, the more antsy you have started to become. You wanted the dreams or visions (whatever it is) to stop, not because it is unpleasant, far from it, rather because if it continues on like this, it could pose as a problem to you and possibly to those around you. You closed your eyes and sighed. You wished to unravel this mystery. That person felt.. familiar to you, there was no use explaining it. But why? And how come?

An answer would not appear for you until one day, your grade level went on a field trip to a museum to learn about Japan's past: specifically the Taisho era, nicknamed throughout history and historians as 'The Devil's Pastime'. Supposedly as legend has it, these demonic humanoid-like creatures ruled the night with an iron fist for centuries, terrorizing mankind by leaving them with no way to survive or any means to protect themselves from it; However, there was a secret organization, housing a couple dozens of powerful subordinates and honored members that bravely stood up to these creatures, fighting back and finally brought peace that humanity now knows of. Whether it was a nigh tale or not, you were unsure, but you held this organization and its members in high regards. Yet you know for sure this tale was true, for there were relics ranging from weaponry to clothings to letters, which all bore the infamous kanji: destroy.

You walked up to a wall plastered with ten banners, each held a symbol and the sketches of weapons; and beneath every one was a plaque, stating which is what and who it belonged to.

Water: Tomioka Giyuu, the Water Hashira.

Wind: Shinazugawa Sanemi, the Wind Hashira.

Music note: Uzui Tengen, the Sound Hashira.

Butterfly: Kocho Shinobu, the Insecet Hashira.

Heart: Kanroji Mitsuri, the Love Hashira.

Snake: Iguro Obanai, the Snake Hashira.

Cloud: Tokito Muichirou, the Mist Hashira.

Fire: Rengouku Kyoujurou, the Flame Hashira.

And a mountain; Himejima Gyoumei, the Stone Hashira.

You recognized some of them, after all, some of their descendants are your fellow classmates. You figured the ones that were unfamiliar to you had passed away before any of them could birth offsprings. You felt some sort of longing and sorrow within you upon looking at each one, though you wondered why as you have no idea who any of them were personally, but your heart swelled with so much pain that was filled with want and grief. You unknowingly shed tears, it would not stop.

However it stopped momentarily as you looked at the last banner, a lone wisteria with two scythes: Fuji Y/N, the Wisteria Hashira.

Then every emotion you felt thus far increased tenfold, it became unbearable for you to breathe as you cried your heart out, memories of what seemed to be from a pass life of yours. Now those dreams you kept on seeing and experiencing made sense, that person was-no, is you. You were one of those so-called people that fought back against the evil valiantly and courageously. Hurt and longing, sorrow and pain, anger and grief-these awful yet reminiscent memories and moments flooded your mind. Thankfully no one was nearby you to hear your heartfelt cries or see you clutching your chest in pain.

There was this young boy I met.

You did not turned around to search for this sudden voice nor questioned it, for it was in your head. You now knew who it was.

I saved him from poverty, put a roof over his head and cared for him.

With tears glossing your face, you clasped your hands together, praying at the banner before you. It was like a natural reaction for you, even though you had never done this before (at least not out in the open).

I specifically told him that I do not want my family's clan to continue onwards. For we, I, have brought nothing but dishonor.

And yet here you stood, with their familial name, carrying the clan's symbol.

And yet there you stand. Whether I wish for this nonexistent bloodline to end or not, now it is no longer up to me. My time is used up, yours, however, have merely just begun.

You wiped your tears away. You dug into your shirt breast pocket, taking out your family's clan's symbol. You clutched onto it tightly, looking back at the banner.

You, who now lives in the future as my reincarnation, expose yourself to the world that the flesh and blood and the hands of my comrades and I have given to create this new world. Become whoever you want to be, do whatever your heart desires; this life of peace is now yours.

You smiled warmly. Thank you, to the me from the past and the comrades from long ago. Thank you for everything and your services, you all may rest now. You felt a reassuring hug from behind you briefly.

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