Epilogue 050

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| Welcome to the Next Life pt2 |

*rustle, rustle* Kneeling down, a man was seen in front of a gravestone, with a bouquet of pink camellias. He wore a suit and tie (albeit his neck tie was loose), and an eyepatch over his right eye. There was a black haori that was decorated with flowers, it looked rather strange on him (not that he cared). He brushed his fingers against the stone gently, as if afraid it would break, not that it could due to how diligently and carefully he cleaned the stone. Setting down the pink camellias into a beautifully decorated vase, he lit up a few essences and put some on top the grave. The sun was high in the sky, shining down upon him; no wind was present, it seemed like an amazing day out.

"Wish you were here, kid," he says, his voice raspy and deep. It sounded as though he had just woken up minutes ago (he did, actually, though it did not seemed as if he was tired nor asleep). "Sorry I haven't been visiting lately. You won't believe how much work and stress my class this time around puts me through. Though I guess it isn't their fault entirely, villains sure do know how to keep a show running, I'll tell you that." He points to his eye. "That's how I got this. So I can't use my Quirk anymore. I'm.. okay with it though, strangely enough. Doesn't give me a headache or make my eyes dry anymore, that's for sure."

He looks at the engraved writing on the stone, rereading the inscription repeatedly within his mind like a mantra (as if he had not done so countless visits ago):

Fuji Y/N
'To the you who could have been'

"A lot has happened. The kids got their licenses, finally. We saved a little girl, her name is Eri. I'm sure you and her would've gotten along swimmingly. We fought against the League, a shocker really, though I'm sure you knew who everybody within it was, no doubt. Bakugou got hurt real bad, but he survived, no worries there. But uhh.. Kayama is uhh.. yeah, but I'm sure you already know that since.. I assumed you two met on the other side maybe. Midoriya got hurt also, but the little braggart up and left U. A., saying that he's too dangerous; Can you believe that?" He was running his mouth, blurting out information as if someone was there listening to him. He tried fighting back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes, trying to block off the image of a bloodied and battered teenager's body consuming his thoughts. Try as he might, yet those resurfaced memories comes haunting his mind: when both he and them locked eyes for the first time, watching their job on the field and educational smarts and athletic prowesses, experiencing their firsts of many things, etc.; But he could not stop remembering how he discovered their limp and lifeless body, parts of their body were missing. "I'm-I'm so sorry, kid! I'm sorry I-I couldn't help you!" He apologized over and over again, a sobbing mess, clutching the haori. He was guilt ridden. Once again, someone close to him had died and there was nothing he could have done to prevent it from happening.

A firm hand was placed onto his shoulder. He need not to turn to know who was there. This gravesite is secluded in a flower field and on private property, only a select handful of people could enter. "Come on, Eraser, let's not sour the kiddo's mood. This should be exciting! After all, they haven't been visited by anyone in over five years."

Using his sleeve to wipe his tears, Aizawa Shota rolls his eyes playfully. "I don't want to hear that from you, Hawks."

Takami Keigo lifts up his hands in surrender. "Just saying~."

"I'm not a hero anymore, so quit calling me that."

"You may not be a hero on the field anymore, but you are one at heart."

"Aren't you supposed to be on patrol?"

"Ouch, you wound me." Takami Keigo laughs aloud, saying, "Heard you were visiting the kiddo, so I obviously had to come."

Aizawa Shota shakes his head in disbelief. "I pray for the person that's supposed to be working with you."

"It's Endeavor-San, it'll be alright."

"Ah. Then proceed."

"How cold." The blonde man looks up into the skies. He says softly, "Wonder if the kiddo can see us from the other side in the other world."

The black haired man looked up as well, saying, "Who knows?"

*whoosh* Both of their eyes extends widely. It was the middle of the hot summer season, therefore no wind should be present. And it was most certainly not the winged man himself, that would be cruel, even for him. And yet-. *whoosh* The sounds of wind could be heard, clear as day.

Takami Keigo smiles widely, saying, "Heya kiddo."

"Hi kid," says Aizawa Shota, sounding bittersweet.


A transparent being stood from afar, gazing at the two adults with a sad smile. They turned around to see a woman, awaiting them to welcome the afterlife one last time together. Approaching her, both stood side by side, then closed their eyes and felt themselves disappearing into nothingness.

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