Chaper 042

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| Welcome to the House of Memories |

You hear nothing but deafening silence. There were moments of agonizing pain, but then, you no longer felt anything at all. Strange, what happened? You opened your eyes to be enveloped in a bright white atmosphere. Your mind was left a blank. How exactly did you get here? Never mind how, where really was here? It hurt your head to think, to try and remember. Maybe, just maybe, if you laid down and closed your eyes for just a moment, then this confusion and pain would disappear. Yeah. Yeah, that would be favorable.


You moved your hands to your ears, to which now began to ring annoyingly.

Be quiet.


You push your legs closer to your chest, your hands gripping your ears to try and block the noises.



You gasped loudly, sitting upright abruptly, eyes wide open. You were greeted by a young woman kneeling down in front of you. She had silky white hair (ironic really, seeing as your surroundings was all white), all neatly held up in a high bun with a decoratively crafted hair pin, and wearing a lightish purple kimono. She looked... familiar. How so? You were not too sure.

She shook your shoulders lightly, though to your mind, it was violently, exclaiming, "You mustn't lose yourself, Y/N!" What did she meant by that? Who was this woman? "I know it must be unbearable, but you must endure! Remember for me, Y/N, remember!" Having no clue as to why you had felt familiarity towards her, you had begun to grew annoyed with her senselessness. Whatever that insatiable pain and ringing was, you know where not to go further. Why should you recall what once was, when you are in a place where you can be at peace for once? You blinked. What did you meant by 'for once'? Had you not felt peace beforehand? It felt as though thousands of needles were picking at every part of your head. You held your head in your hands. "Get up! Your purpose has yet to be met!" She exclaims, her eyes streaming tears. You looked at her, a strange feeling swirling within you. Why does it hurt you to see this woman in sorrow? Who is she? What is she to you? "Do not let those who have died, their sacrifices, to be in vain!" What is she talking about? "It is alright if you cannot remember me, but your friends and comrades are of utmost importance!" She brought both of your foreheads together, sobbing, saying shakily, "Death is inevitable, yes, and appears so sweet, but your time is not yet. Remember, Fuji Y/N, remember who you are, what your purpose is, how you had come to this point, why you must strive onwards; Remember!"

As though you had been stricken across your face, hundreds of fragmented memories came flooding through your mind.

*caw* "Fuji Y/N! Your presence is requested by Oyakata-Sama!" *caw*

"I have summoned your presence because a letter has been sent for assistance, my child. Travel to Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture, and attend U.A. High School. There recently have been an increase of missing people who disappears at night, only returned the next day in severed limbs."

"You must be the Slayer that has been sent at the notice of my request for assistance."

"I heard you did well during combat training. Good work."

"Let's get ya patched up fast before you pass out!"

"But those demons are still freely devouring humans, gaining strength and continuing to live on. For the sake of those who have perished, there is only one thing for us to do. I believe that among you Hashiras who are present today, I've assembled the finest unit since the First Breathing swordsmen of the feudal era."

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