Chapter 024

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| Welcome to the Notice |

You narrow your eyes upon noticing Iida Tenya. He appears different, apprehensive-agitated. He was just fine when you were at the festival. You cracked your neck, a realization dawning on you. Something had happened during your departure. You knew that look on his face anywhere, after all, it was on Kochou Shinobu's face almost every hour of every day.

You ignored everything around you and look through your catalogs of information stored in your mind. 'Obviously something must have happened to his family, possibly his brother more than his parents, seeing as he is an active Pro-Hero,' you think as you shift in your seat. Todoroki Shoto notices you, and narrows his eyes too, wondering what was bothering you. 'Aizawa-Sensei has been mumbling to himself about the sudden risings of Pro-Heroes getting hurt during their patrols lately.' You grabbed out your phone, fumbling to work it. You scrolled through the news for a little while until you had stumbled across information about an individual named: 'Hero Killer: Stain'; the public deemed him as a villain whilst some deemed him as a vigilante. You then came across recent news that the Pro-Hero Ingenium was attacked by the Hero Killer: Stain during the Sports Festival.

"Ahem! Fuji-Chan?" You looked up from your phone to see Ms. Midnight standing in front of you. You did not know how, but you had not felt the stares of everyone on you; but now that you were snapped out of your trance, you recoil back into your seat, feeling nervous and somewhat uncomfortable. "We are deciding our hero names. Have you thought of one? You're one of the 'last' ones that hasn't gone yet." You had a feeling that her underlying tone when she said 'last ones' mainly correlates to Bakugou Kastuki.

You got up out of your seat and walked up to the front of the classroom. There was no need to think of something new or grandiose. You picked up the chalk and wrote [Wisteria Hashira: Fuji Y/N]. *ring, ring* The bell had rung, concluding classes were over for the day. You walked out of the classroom first, leaving your classmates to follow along suit moments afterwards. Making your way towards where Aizawa Shota was, you saw Iida Tenya from the corner of your eye from the window. You stopped, seeing him say his goodbyes to his friends before walking off, his smile now completely wiped off his face. You opened your mouth but closed it, thinking otherwise. You shake your head and continued off on your way. You were in no place to say what he could and could not do. You are merely here to protect the citizens here from man-eating demons, nothing more, nothing less. Matters other than demons are beneath you, those were matters that only they can take care of themselves.

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