Chapter 040

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| Welcome to the End of the Fuji Clan pt4 |

[ Kamino Ward, Japan; 3:29am ]
"Next.. Next is your turn."

A rough and bitter night that the whole of Japan had witnessed. With their Symbol of Peace now effectively gone, anxiety sat within the pits of their stomachs. Who will the people of Japan now turn to if there ever was a problem, as big as this, ever arises? Unfortunately for Japan, however, the long and rough night was not over yet, it was just getting started. A bright and shining light came raining from the skies, gathering the everyone's attention; wondering what was happening. Unexpectedly, out comes a person, who was battered badly, with scythes in hand, falls from the light; they landed on their feet and hastily looked up and shielded themselves from a woman, who wore traditional bloodied clothing, attacking them head on. Toshinori Yagi's eyes widens, albeit exhausted (and currently running on a couple of hours of sleep), he knew exactly everyone, including himself, needs to evacuate the surrounding areas immediately. But there was no time to call out as he saw a familiar crow flying overhead in the skies.

*caw, caw* "Tokito Muichirou and Shinazugawa Genya are deceased upon encountering Uppermoon One! Tokito Muichirou, Shinazugawa Genya and Sanemi, and Himejima Gyoumei have successfully defeated Uppermoon One! I repeat, Tokito Muichirou and Shinazugawa Genya are deceased upon encountering Uppermoon One! Tokito Muichirou, Shinazugawa Genya and Sanemi, and Himejima Gyoumei have successfully defeated Uppermoon One!" *caw*

You failed. You failed as a sibling. You failed as a grandchild. You failed as a Demon Slayer. You failed as a person. You gripped your scythes. "My sister," you say aloud; "Give her back!" If you could not meet the criteria within those categories, then you could at least be able to meet the one and only category that you have exceeded since your birth: mourning the dead.

You, sadly, were too late to move back in time: using her free hand, she scratches at you, completely severing your forearm from your arm entirely. "By the gods, you're annoying!" You backflipped away, tightening your jaw due to the pain. "I already told you! Can't you comprehend anything I'm saying?!" You tore a piece of cloth from your uniform and wrapped it around your wound, trying to stop the blood. "Your sister is gone! She is dead! Why?! Because I've devoured her both inside and out! And you're next!"

"Blood Demon Art: Hollowed Reflections."

From the insides of her mirror, transparent beings came slithering out. Shadowed and ghostlike. You grit your teeth, feeling on edged. There are too many innocent and unwanted civilians here, you think to yourself. Those beings looked familiar to you, painstakingly so.

"You... You monster!" You exclaimed upon realization. Previous servants from your household, and other unfortunate victims; they all had become mindless puppets. "One ought to leave the dead to rest!"

"Awe what's wrong? Going to cry?! Or better yet, kill them?! Go ahead then! Show these pathetic humans your true nature!"

You went to move to strike, but red feathers came flooding your visions, stopping you. You look up to see Hawks flying this way and that way, not engaging in the battle between you and the demon, but more so on the people around you. He must have saw you were in distress and came to your aide because of the people broadcasting the battle. Or perhaps it was the sudden cutoff from the phone call that led him to believe something was amidst. Either reason works in your favor. You felt your heartbeat calmed, the static in your head disappears. You raised a thumbs up towards Hawks before quickly moving forwards, steeling your nerves.

"Symphonic-Fuji no Kokyū, Ni no Kata: Ōbāheddorōtasudansu."
(Symphonic-Wisteria Breathing, Second Form: Overhead Lotus Dance)

One comes at you, the head maid of your estate, her hand outstretched and ready to attack you. You grimaced as you evaded her, then came face to face with another, the head chef of your estate; you swung your scythes at their head and body before swiftly moving right to avoid an attack. The head maid remained as the head chef slowly fades away; you sliced him at his body and she at her head. Moving this way and that way, circling from and back, you swung your scythes at their bodies; getting closer towards the demoness, now knowing what to do. It was a struggle for you, considering your handling is now off balanced due to your missing hand, and also fighting off the pain-not to mention trying to keep your breathing steady altogether.

You glanced at her mirror, seeing it just moments away from breaking entirely. You figured two strong attacks should do the trick, then you would be able to end this tedious fight. You were tired and hurt, and currently running on a few hours of sleep and sheer willpower. You were exhausted. The demoness tries to claw at you again, with you evading each strike effortlessly; her attacks was starting to become choppy and miscalculated, most likely due to her agitation.

"Symphonic-Fuji no Kokyū, Shichi no Kata: Fuji Ren Doku Chēn."
(Symphonic-Wisteria Breathing, Seventh Form: Wisteria Lotus Poison Chain)

You swung your scythes around you, blocking her from every angle. One, two, three, four. You summersaulted in the air, slashing at her as you got behind her. Five, six, seven, eight. Your head jerked back as her claws were merely moments away from scratching you, or worse. You took this opportunity to charge at her once again, this time, moving your arms faster. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve. You jumped towards the demoness, and swung a final strike at her. Thirteen. The attacks that you did against her made a lotus for a moment, then suddenly, delivered eight strikes; causing her to stumble back in surprise. Using this rarity, you swung your scythes at the speed of sound, twenty one times with more poison induced.

You gripped your scythes tightly, looking dead straight into those kanji eyes; those eyes that you nearly spent your lifetime gazing to. "I loved you," you say hoarsely. She stops, and looks at you. You could not tell what she was feeling nor thinking, not that it mattered to you; Not anymore. "I idolized you. I adored you."


"And I hoped that you would, too." You smiled, feeling ever so bittersweet. "But I know not to wish for the impossible."

"Haha, have you gone mad?"

Your vision were glossy and blurry. It felt as though there was a clog in your throat, your voice refusing to be let out. But you must, you must. "I have failed you. Nothing I say will bring back that warmth, those long forgotten memories."

Her body felt chills run dangerously down her spine. She jumped back haphazardly, now becoming uptight and attentive.

"Blood Demon Art: Scattering Visions."

Multiple bright lights surrounded the two of you, creating a ring. You hear giggles and laughter, screams and squeals of joy and sadness and anger, whispers and murmurs from different people, and humming. It seemed as though reality was breaking and cracking around you both, and perhaps it was. Tears shed from your eyes as memories and moments of the past, present and the forgotten comes flowing through you.

"I cannot walk this path with you," you say. Your hands were tainted with blood, the blood of your people because of your carelessness. "In another lifetime, let your new and improved family be better than the one you had then."

"Symphonic-Fuji no Kokyū, Tsui no Kata: Furawāgāden."
(Symphonic-Wisteria Breathing, Final Form: Floral Garden)

"(Symphonic-Wisteria Breathing, Final Form: Floral Garden)

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