What-if 04

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Scenario: What if Fuji Y/N was born into the BNHA universe instead? (Pt3)

| Code Name | • Floribunda •
| Quirk | • Glicine •
«Y/N's Quirk allows them to release toxins that is found when concentrated from within a wisteria»

TW: Vague Mentions of Suicide


Your world shattered upon hearing the devastating news that your parents and sister died in an unexpected villain attack. As the rightful heir to the family business, you were still far too young to take over and since your grandmother was left bedridden from the shock, your cousin took over until you were of age to do so. There was just one problem, a hurdle too big to overcome: the initial shock affected you so much so that you were rendered mute, though not unable to talk rather unwilling to. This could affect your family's future greatly, yet no matter how many therapy sessions you had to undergo, you refused to talk-not a sound, not a peep. You shunned yourself out from the world, staying deep within the estate, away from it all. Had it not been for your cousin's watchful eyes, you were sure that the day of your family's death, you too would have had gone with them.

And she has grown tired of it. "If you wish to live like a dead rat, so be it, but you would only disgrace our family's honor." You narrowed your eyes, glaring at her. "You wish to sulk? Then perhaps show your wonderful family just how much of a disappointment you truly are, show them just how long you have been wasting your life away!" You stood up and swiftly walked to her, grabbing her by the hem of her kimono, anger evident on your face. "You are our leader, the next head in line for the Fuji clan, but before me, I see someone who does not embody their duties proudly rather one that would gladly throw everything away!" Your cousin glares at you, exclaiming, "Incompetent leaders are those who slaughter their own people! You only have one life, Y/N, it is yours so do not deprive yourself from such greatness! So live it as you please because it is the only one you are going to get!"

Looking back at it now, you screamed at yourself continuously for not doing so right away. If you had, then perhaps your cousin and grandmother could have lived their lives today. Instead, their lives were robbed due to a fire erupting from within the estate, leaving you at the wake of the chaos before you. You could do nothing but watch in dismay, feeling helplessness as you heard cries for help but being unable to do anything. You fled from the burning scene with a tattered haori in hand, not wanting to be taken by those so called heroes-or anyone for that matter. You ran for what felt like days until you came across someone to what looked like to you a mercenary. You did not remembered what your time with that person was like, but before you knew it, you had grown up with engraved dangerous skills and tenacity. This person, despite not knowing who you were or what had happened to you, they decided to help you find your footing. Were they a friend or a foe? You could not tell, but you were not in a place to complain. You were grateful and lucky for that person's help, though you unfortunately could not show your appreciation because they died in the hands of another mercenary shortly afterwards. And once again, you were left alone. Again.

Everyone wondered who is Floribunda and where does Floribunda stands and where did Floribunda come from? Rumors of your heroic deeds had most definitely put you in the limelight in the goodness of people, but also whispers of your horrible misdeeds left inspirations in people that inflict harm. Which was the real Floribunda? You did not know the answer to that yourself, either. Sure you had saved those that were not under the heroes' radar, but you have also finished off those that were deemed unworthy or deserved to be punished. So recently, you opted yourself as neither, merely in a neutral standpoint. And as such, this left quite the predicament for society's higher ups: unsure of what to do and what not to do. Regardless of whichever deeds you have done, one thing was clear: there is a pattern in your motives and actions that relays your answer; what it is though, none can decipher.

Sometimes, whenever you could not get a wink of sleep or felt more restless than usual, you would find yourself at the ruins of your estate. Once you had enough money, you bought the rights to these lands yet you did nothing to renovate it or rebuild it, rather you left it as it was. Multiple times when these lands were approached by those filled with greed, you made sure none came by again; so much so that this was now marked as haunted or cursed (depending on whoever you approached). It was better like this, that way, now you can have a reminder to yourself of all of your struggles: helplessness, feelings of survivor's guilt, grief, loss and tragedy. You would not let history repeat itself, you most certainly will not let anyone to feel this type of pain-not if you cannot help it. You could have just rebirth your clan once more, many times did the idea crossed your mind, but stopped yourself at the possibility of that idea: you lost your chance when you gave up then, there was no way you could willed yourself in trying to.

You caressed the tattered haori carefully, remembering your clan's symbol clear as day. This was the only keepsake you had left of everything and everyone you once held so dear to your heart. And now they are all gone: three due to an accident, two (and more) due to a power struggle, and one due to sorrow.

"Lonely.. is the head that wears the crown."

Those words were the first in a long time to have been spoken, and it would be the last.

Those words were the first in a long time to have been spoken, and it would be the last

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