Chapter 05

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| Welcome to the World of Quirks pt1 |

"Fuji-San, you can come in." You walked into the classroom, feeling self-conscience immediately as all eyes were on you. You straight away recognized the two students that you met earlier that morning. "You all have five minutes to ask them questions," Aizawa Shota says as he gets out a yellow bag. He climbs inside and plops down onto the floor, sleeping.

And just like that, all hell broke loose. One by one, everyone bombarded you with questions, overlapping one another. Despite the chaos, a student with glasses stood up from his seat, grabbing his classmates' attention. "Everyone! Though we have a limited amount of time, there is no need to rush! Let us handle this in a systematic order: raise of hands, and they can choose whomever to answer! When they do, please introduce yourselves; and if you'd like, tell them your Quirks!"

You sweat-dropped at his upright, strict yet go-lucky(?) demeanor. The boy reminded you of a certain colleague of yours. You shake your head out of your thoughts. You point to a black haired ponytail girl. "Yaoyorozu Momo, Creation. If I may ask, how old are you?"

Your voice was caught in your throat, unable to make a peep. From the corner of your eye, you saw chalk. This sparked an idea as to how to communicate with the students in class. [15-years-old].

A blonde boy with a black thunderbolt streak in his hair raised his hand. "Kaminari Denki, Electrification. Are you mute?"

Your eyes narrows slightly, going unnoticed by most of the students, but amongst them, some saw the way how your body tensed just ever so slightly, the way your free hand gripped at the ends of your haori. A girl with long ears smacked the boy with one of her ears instantaneously. You relaxed yourself. "Idiot! How stupidly rude can you get?" She turns to you with an apologetic look. "Sorry about him, he just doesn't know when to filter himself, I guess. Anyways, Jiro Kyoka, Earphone Jack. Your scythes are sick looking. Is it part of your Quirk?"

You think to yourself, 'Sick looking? Animate objects don't get sick.' [Not exactly].

You point to a pink skinned girl. "Ashido Mina, Acid. Remember me? We met earlier today!" You nod. A gleeful smile plastered itself onto her lips. "Yay! You're so freakishly tall! By the way, how tall are you?"

[6'0" (182cm)].

You point to a green haired boy, his eyes glimmering with endless curiosity. You wondered if his hair was dyed. "Midoriya Izuku, OFA. What's your Quirk?" You squint your eyes slightly at the abbreviation, but decided to focus on it another time.

You noticed a page full of written notes. You gathered that it was about you. [I don't have one].

You picked up at the sound of small explosions as a messy blonde boy abruptly stood from his seat. "Ha!?" You sneakily grabbed onto your scythe, readying yourself in case if the boy decided to go up against you. "You mean I wasted my time with a Quirkless extra?!" You noticed how the green haired boy shrink back in his seat, not because of his classmate's outburst, but because of the mention of 'Quirkless'.

The boy with glasses stood up and faced his classmate, exclaiming aloud, "Bakugo-Kun! Do not be rude to other people!"

"Like I give a rat's ass! I'll say what I wanna say! And besides," he says as he points at you accusingly; "how the hell did a Quirkless loser like them get into this course?!" You heard slight movement from Aizawa Shota, and removed your hand from your scythe. "This is for people with Quirks, powerful Quirks! It isn't someplace where-!"

A grey scarf was quickly wrapped around the blonde's mouth, his small explosions ceasing instantly. "Question time is over." You look to him, his eyes now red. "Get back to your seats. Now." He strained the boy back for a moment, saying, "Don't push your luck, kid. You're lucky other people see potential in you. If it were up to me, I would've expelled you right on the spot for how you've been acting." His eyes returned back to his original color and lets the boy go. Aizawa Shota looks to me and says, "Have a seat behind Todoroki. Todoroki?"

You look back to the students and see a boy with dual colored hair raised his hand up. You walked over and sat behind him.

 You walked over and sat behind him

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