Chapter 045

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| Welcome to the Final Battle pt3 |

Ah. You remembered this place. You had been here before, hours ago. You looked around, as if you were looking for someone-expecting someone. But whom? You did not know the answer yourself.

"Ꮥнε ḯş ηꪮ⊥ нεяε ḯḟ ⊥н@⊥ ḯş ẘнꪮ ¥ꪮʊ ẘεяε ʟꪮꪮḱḯηɠ ḟꪮя."

You turned around and saw a breathtakingly beautiful woman. Hair as white as snow, fair skin with a pearly white tone, an aura so mysterious yet gentle. She looked like you and yet so different.

"Ꭷηε ꪮḟ ꪮʊя '∂εşḉεη∂@η⊥ş' ηεε∂ş ⊥ꪮ ʟḯṽε ꪮη, ḟꪮя ɠнε ηε@я ḟʊ⊥ʊяε. ✞н@⊥ ♭ꪮ¥ ღʊş⊥ şʊяṽḯṽε."

Your vision began to black out, not even giving you enough time to register what she had said to you.

Your eyelids felt heavy, as though something was forcefully closing them. Still you struggled but successfully opened your eyes, bright light blinding your sight. You could not hear anything coherent, but you knew that something must have had happened, for your gut and instincts was telling you to get up and fight. You meekly turned your head slightly to the right, your eyes slowly extends widely in shock as you see Kamado Tanjiro looking like a demon with his two friends, his sister and Tomioka Giyuu holding him down. From the corner of your eye, you saw Tsuyuri Kanao limping towards you with your scythes in one hand, and a bottle in the other. You shakily reached out for your scythes, its cool feeling of the handle electrifying your body. She was trying to say something to you, but for the life of you, you unfortunately could not comprehend any of it.

And you saw that she got the hint as she motioned the bottle in her hand, then to your scythes in your hand and point it towards Kamado Tanjiro. Ah you got her message now: you were to create a distraction to divert his attention for a brief few moments, and she will use that window of time to inject the cure into him; Supposedly, the cure that Kochou Shinobu worked tirelessly and endlessly on (alongside with Tamayo and Yushiro) for Kamado Nezuko had worked. And hopefully, much to you and Tsuyuri Kanao's belief, should work on Kamado Tanjiro too. You could not move, your body was chained to the ground by gravity and the weight of yourself. Shakily, you raised your arm, angling your scythes before throwing it towards them. Your eyes softens at the bittersweet sight of it, now dawning on you, knowing that it was your last and final time.

You mouthed to seemingly no one, saying, "Yes.., that boy... must.. survive." That sentence familiarly rings in your head like a never-ending mantra. Now just where had you heard that from before? Your body was growing numb and now slowly colder, even though the sun was blinding. Ah. Is this how you shall pass on? You let out a breathy laugh. 'Jarringly hilarious,' you think to yourself. You see clumps of colors surrounding you, and a smudge of a mismatched colored haori. This brought a sense of relief to you, knowing that the antidote had worked wonderfully. "I wonder...," you huskily whispered, unaware that you silenced the people around you; "Would I... be.. with.. that bas-.. tard... for.. killing my.. clan?" You were also unaware of the words of your comrade's saying to hold on and to save your breath, unaware of the tears flowing from your eyes. "Have I... done.. my job.. as a.. Ha-.. shira... well?" Though your hand was cold, warmth engulfed it. You savored that touch one last time. "O/S/N... for-.. give.. me," you say as you took your last and final breath, letting darkness consume you once and for all.






































"Eraserhead!" Exclaims Hawks from afar. "I found the kiddo!"

Like a whiplash, Aizawa Shota turns around and runs after Hawks, who led them both to where Fuji Y/N was. 'Please,' they both think to themselves. 'Please be alright!' *flap, flap* Hawks looks to his right and sees their Kasugai crow flying besides him, then going farther ahead of him, as if saying, "Follow me." And he did just that, with Aizawa Shota following from behind. He sees a group of battered and bloodied people in the distance and knew that they had to be there. They had to be. Hawks descends down as Violet does, meeting up with the black haired man. Running over, both heard loud cries. And those cries, unfortunately, were not of joy and relief; rather grief. Hawks' and Aizawa Shota's world fell apart, yet again.

Violet rustles her wings before soaring into the skies, announcing to everyone around and beyond, *caw, caw* "A message! Fuji Y/N has just passed away due to their fight and contributions against the Demon King! I repeat, a message! Fuji Y/N has just passed away due to their fight and contributions against the Demon King!" *caw*

Violet rustles her wings before soaring into the skies, announcing to everyone around and beyond, *caw, caw* "A message! Fuji Y/N has just passed away due to their fight and contributions against the Demon King! I repeat, a message! Fuji Y/N has j...

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