Chapter 029

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| Welcome to the Exams pt1 |

You were ranked first on the written exam, much to everyone's surprise. Luckily, you had Aizawa Shota go over the basics with you during the weekend: mathematics, English and history. You all were now outside, your classmates fully expecting their practical exam to be as the entrance exam; oh how wrong they were.

"Excuse me, Mr. Nezu!" Exclaims Iida Tenya. "What will Fuji-San do? Who will test them?"

Red feathers falls around you as you heard heavy steps from behind the staff members. "We are," says Hawks happily.

"Two against one?" Asks Kaminari Denki. "That's overkill!"

"Are you sure they can handle it?" You look to the bubbly brunette who voiced her concern. You briefly remembered her file when you went over information about the students.

You cracked your neck, asking, "May I be the first to go then?"

"Of course!" Exclaims Principal Nezu.


You quickly mapped out the layout of the city with what little time you had. 'Best keep the damages around the surrounding areas at a minimum,' you think to yourself. Because you were soft spoken, you requested that you three are to wear a communication device that helps talking to each other better. You stopped in your tracks and think to yourself, mulling over the possibilities of what is limited and unlimited. The two were not a problem, albeit one is harder to handle due to his Quirk, and the other is nothing but a prideful man. 'What a terrible combination to go up against,' you think to yourself. You leapt into the air and parried off of a red feather, going left; then grabbing onto a light post to evade a burst of flames. No matter who or what, you had never failed to get a job done; and today was not the day for you to falter. You took out your yellow scythe and dashed forwards toward Endeavor, while maneuvering from the feathers.

"Harmony-Fuji no Kokyū, Ni no Kata: Ōbāheddorōtasudansu."
(Harmony-Wisteria Breathing, Second Form: Overhead Lotus Dance)

You appeared from thin air in front of Endeavor, catching him off guard slightly, but his flames shot from his palms to you; however, you split your legs, dropping to the ground as you swung your scythe multiple times before rolling back because of the feathers. Extending your arms out, you placed your hands on the ground and spun yourself to land onto your feet; you picked up your pace and ran to the right, the left, from the front, from the back-attempting to divert their attention from you, and it worked. Endeavor's back was left open, so for your opening part, you appeared in front of him and then jumped behind him and swung your scythe, making a Lotus as your blade hit his back. You moved right and leapt from wall to wall and boasted yourself into the skies, where Hawks was, overseeing from above; you swiftly switched scythes as he saw you from the corner of his eyes and tried to move away, but he was too late.

"Oblivion-Fuji no Kokyū, Kyu no Kata: Airisusutōmu o Fuku."
(Oblivion-Wisteria Breathing, Ninth Form: Blowing Iris Storm)

You swung once, grazing him as petals erupted from the impact, clouding their visions except your own; you pulled at Hawks' legs as you begun to fall and used that opportunity to slash at him twice more, before back flipping away from the two heroes as you both hit the ground. You wasted in no time as you combined your scythes and dashed forwards once more and swung at him.

"Symphony-Fuji no Kokyū, Ju no Kata: Ibara Fuji."
(Symphony-Wisteria Breathing, Tenth Form: Thorny Wisteria)

Your ear twitches at the sound of spurting blood, causing you to shuffle backwards, but not before cuffing his wrists. You blew inaudibly into the air, letting the storm dissipate. Hawks immediately kneeled onto the ground in pain as he clasped his neck; his breathing became irregular and slow.

"Wing Hero: Hawks, Quirk: Fierce Wings, has been successfully captured," you informed as you cocked your head to the side. You and Endeavor looked at each other: one with disinterest and acknowledgment, and the other with disbelief and frustration. "I suggest you step aside and find a safer place to watch, Hawks-San, as you are now left immobilized and weak. The poison that I had inflicted you with are a downgraded version of the poisons I have within my possession currently."

Hawks threw his head back as he laughed amusingly. "Haha! You're seriously something else, kid," he says as he stiffly stands up. "I mean, I know I'm a problem and all, but are you sure you should've confronted Endeavor first?"

There was a difference between then and now during your time here: you did not truly know the full extent of just how dangerous Quirks were then due to the U.S.J. incident, but you now know almost every inch of any Quirks out there because of your extensive researches with Principal Nezu. You broke into a small grin as you uncombined your scythes and put them back, saying, "Endeavor-San is not ferociously problematic unlike yourself, Hawks-San."


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