Chapter 026

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| Welcome to the Attack on Hosu City pt2 |

"Exterminating foul creatures much like yourself."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you just yet."

You raise your brow. The atmosphere suddenly turned extremely dense and dangerous, it became harder to breathe just slightly; as the demon's eyes went from black to red. You felt chills rush down your spine fast, your legs shake slightly.

"Apologies for not coming over myself to greet you, oh wretched descendent of the Fuji Clan."

You gripped your scythe even tighter, gritting your teeth. You had never met him, you had never seen him, but you knew for certain just whom decided to 'grace' you with his presence. "Kibutsuji Muzan..!"

"I must say, you are more competent than the rest of your bloodline." The 'demon' looks at the sky briefly before looking back at you, saying, "You work hard, eliminating my creations to save these so-called humans."

"I shall not have the common folk suffer like us because of you!"

The 'demon' smiles. "No matter what era, you Demon Slayers will always be a thorn at my side."

"Make no mistake, we will end your treachery!"

"You and what army? There is but only one Hashira here." The smile turns mockingly cruel; "Can you begin to hear it? The sounds of these pathetic insects screaming and withering for help because death is coming to them sooner than they realize?"

You dashed forwards, seeing just for a millisecond, the eyes turning red to black.

"Harmony-Fuji no Kokyū, Ichi no Kata: Fuji no Haru no Rokkakkei."
(Harmony-Wisteria Breathing, First Form: Wisteria Spring Hexagon)

You breathed in and out, unbothered by the sounds of surprised and scared gasps behind, nor the head dropping on the ground. You bowed your head slightly, clapping your hands.

You stand up straight, looking back, saying, "What a fine katana you wield."

The Hero Killer: Stain looks into your eyes, as you do the same. "You, answer me: how do you view our society, outsider?"

"Matters like these are beneath me. Whatever happens here are of no concern to me."

"That wasn't what I asked."

You narrowed your brows slightly. "... Popularity and riches can change a person, I too believe in that statement. To change expectations, realities and beliefs, one must be armed, tactical, well informed and ready to ensue chaos and sorrow-willingly and skillfully," you say as your eyes softens; "I respect those who are trying to make changes, perspectives and actions are different and can be confusing, but the initial spark is admirable."

"Do you strive to be a hero?"

You shake your head. "With my line of work, I cannot see past today. Even if I were to somehow live, I am uninterested with matters here. I do not belong in these parts. Perhaps had I been born here, I might be driven to become a hero."

"What is your goal?"

You gripped your scythe. "To rid these foolish creatures due to his senselessness."

He raised his katana, changing his stance. You followed suit. "You're untainted, good. You also have my respect, but you can't be let go. After all," he says as he gestures to your classmates; "you wish to save them, right?"

"It would be problematic."

"What is your name?"

You bowed your head slightly. "Fuji Y/N. And you are?"

"... Chi."

'It must be an abbreviation to his family name.' You combined your scythes, readying yourself. "Pardon me."

Chi dashed towards you, as you did too.

"Symphony-Fuji no Kokyū, San no Kata: Fuji Z Kauntā."
(Symphony-Wisteria Breathing, Third Form: Wisteria Z Counter)

"Don't let him touch you!" Warns Todoroki Shoto. "His Quirk allows him to paralyze you!"

You had a feeling, even if you were informed or not, though thankful for the heads up. You swung your scythes, zigzagging as you made him go on defense, attacking and leaving no openings. Your ear twitches at the sound of oncoming footsteps. 'Backup has arrived. I must make this quick.'

"Symphony-Fuji no Kokyū, Ju no Kata: Ibara Fuji."
(Symphony-Wisteria Breathing, Tenth Form: Thorny Wisteria)

You ducked down and went towards the side, before swinging at Chi's neck twice; then backhanded his pressure point, knocking him out momentarily after sharp thorns pricked out. You caught his limp body, and placed him gently on the ground. Grabbing his scarf, you used it to make a makeshift handcuffs.

You turned to look at the injured hero and Iida Tenya, then looked towards your two other classmates. "Do you think you two could carry the injured out to the clearing? I hear help coming."

They nod and followed alongside as you carried Chi on your back.


"Ah! Gran Torino-!"

You saw Midoriya Izuku was kicked in the face. "I thought I told you to stay put! What're you doing out here?!"

"Hey, is that... the Hero Killer: Stain?"

"Kid! Get away from him!"

You threw Chi onto Midoriya Izuku as you heard the sounds of wings flapping rapidly towards everyone. 'These Nomu's are progressively becoming a problem.' You uncombined your scythes and put your yellow scythe on your back, before you leapt in the air.

"Oblivion-Fuji no Kokyū, Kyu no Kata: Airisusutōmu o Fuku."
(Oblivion-Wisteria Breathing, Ninth Form: Blowing Iris Storm)

Swinging your scythe, you slashed at its back thrice, then landed on the ground. It fell due to your poisoning and the sudden heavy impact of you landing on its back. You looked at it and saw the Nomu was trying to move despite being in so much pain. And you commended it for its will to continue to live. You moved a step back upon hearing a strange sound; A dark purple mist came from underneath it and engulfed the Nomu into the darkness.

"...-And you, oh esteemed outsider, Fuji Y/N." You turned around and saw Chi now fully awake without restraints. Everyone there was paled and had been frozen in fear, except you; You tilt your head, walking forwards just a bit. "Never let this sorry excuse of a society tarnish that familiarizing spark of yours. You are one of the many few that can make this world a better place to be," Chi says as he then fell limp, now officially unconscious, before a flaming Pro-Hero had gotten the chance to immobilize him.

 You are one of the many few that can make this world a better place to be," Chi says as he then fell limp, now officially unconscious, before a flaming Pro-Hero had gotten the chance to immobilize him

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