What-if 07

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[ Welcome to the Demon ]
Scenario: What if Fuji Y/N had turned into a demon?

| Blood Demon Art | • Glazed Lillies •


You should be dead, yet here you are, living and breathing. The devastating wound that the demoness inflicted upon you was fatal and deep. You vaguely remembered her slitting open her forearm, allowing her blood to drop into your wound. She changed you, transformed you to become the very abomination that you swore your livelihood to eradicate.

She grins in satisfaction, saying, "Muzan-Sama would be most pleased." She extends her hand out to you. "With your aide, our victory will be assured. Surely, you will lend your assistance, right?"

It was not a suggestion, rather a demand. You nod. You looked over at the disregarded scythes, saying, "Perhaps those can also strengthen our victory."

She thought for a moment, fidgeting apprehensively. She turned around, saying, "Do as you wish. I need not say to you what shall happen if-?"

"Perish the thought." You walked over to the scythes, picking them up.


"Are you shitting me?!"

There was no news of how Fuji Y/N was fairing. Where are they? Are they okay? What happened to them? Were they.. dead? But they could not be, after all, no Kasugai crow announced anything, therefore they should be alive... unless something were to happen to the said crow.

Kibutsuji Muzan turned his head towards the direction of where two familiar figures stood atop from afar. "Haha, I was beginning to wonder when you would show up with our guest."

And unfortunately, that seemed to be the case: standing before the them all was Fuji Y/N; however it was not them, rather now it is a demon that took their body.

"How did this even happened?! What did you do to them?! And what happened to Violet?!" Shouted Shinazugawa Sanemi angrily.

There was no way, no way that the young and bright kid that Shinazugawa Sanemi somewhat cared for had turned into a monster.

"For a human, you are all talk but no bite. If you insist on knowing, allow me to indulge you," says the demoness. She takes out her hand mirror and showcases what transpired: Fuji Y/N's Kasugai crow's, Violet's, demise and Fuji Y/N's own demise and rebirth. "How far you humans, you wretched Slayers, have fallen. Unfortunately, this is where the long standing war ends: we, demons, are victorious."

"Heh. So what?" Iguro Obanai barks back; "That kid's more gutsy than you can imagine. Them? As a demon? Yeah right. We'll believe that, when pigs fly!"

Kibutsuji Muzan leapt into the air and landed next to the two demons, gazing with expectations. "Show me your worth."

The demoness turns to 'Fuji Y/N', a malicious smile on her face. "You have the floor. Show these Slayers their demise."

Shinazugawa Sanemi ran towards the three, armed and readied. "As if I'd let you!"

"Blood Demon Art: Glazed Vinery."

Vines appeared from the palm of their hand, it had purple like mist emitting from it. Thorny and had the smell of toxins. The vines shot towards the white haired Slayer, which what most on the battlefield thought would be his end, however it was not surprisingly: the vines circled around him but instead of attacking Shinazugawa Sanemi, it went towards Kibutsuji Muzan and the demoness.

"-What have you done?!"
"-What the shit?"

'Fuji Y/N' leapt away from the two, carrying back the Slayer towards the others. The stage was now set, both sides are clearly sorted. "As if I would ever cooperate with the likes of you scums."

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