Chapter 036

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| Welcome to the Calm Before the Storm |

'Move,' you told yourself. 'Move, move, move!' You were walking back to your estate, having finished yet another day of training, successfully too. Throughout the past few days, you tiredly worked yourself to the bone to be able to wield a Nichirin katana, just as you were wielding your scythes. You had shown an immense amount of progress, and you could not feel anymore proud of yourself. On your way back home, however, an overwhelming smell of blood wafts to your nose. Thinking and expecting the worst, you picked up your pace, now practically racing to get back. Your light but heavy footsteps echoed throughout the halls, making your way to your sister's office. *bam* Upon entering, the overwhelming smell of blood you expected to be hit with never came, rather burning wisteria incense. You were taken aback by the sheer dramatic change; the blood was no longer present.

Your sister was fine, albeit annoyed due to your harsh entry, but also something else that you could not place. "Best explain yourself, Y/N. This was most definitely not how I taught you to behave."

You blink back into reality. Bowing, you say, "I sincerely apologize for my disturbance, sister. Please forgive me." You stood upright. "I smelt blood on my way home, and I feared for the worst."

Her eyes seemed to soften a bit. "How perceptive that nose of yours is. If you must know, I merely cut myself by mistake. Never did I expect it would cause such worry from you." Doubt clouded your mind as you opened a cabinet and pulled out a first aid kit. Walking over, you knelt down and took your sister's hand in yours and began inspecting the cut. It was small, yes, but if not treated right away, it could be infected. Taking a rag and poured disinfectants onto it, you gently dabbed it on the cut; afterwards, you took out a cloth and wrapped around it. "Thank you very kindly," she says as she inspects the wraps with a far off look.

You nod as you stood back up and put away the kit. "My time here has ended, I am to continue my mission. I shall depart tomorrow afternoon."

Your sister said nothing as she got back to her documents. You bowed and walked out, closing the door behind you. You gripped the ends of your haori. 'That blood was not the smell of a human, it was the smell of a demon.'


Unfortunately, whilst you were busily training, due to your absences for the last couple of days, the League of Villains had attacked Classes 1-A and B, their teachers, some Pro-Heroes. Thankfully, none were dangerously harmed (excluding Midoriya Izuku), however, a Pro-Hero was missing and Bakugou Katsuki had been kidnapped. You made no move to offer your assistance. As you made your way to the hospital where your classmates were, you were stopped by a mob of reporters that blocked the entranceway. 'They are becoming bothersome for the patients and staff members inside,' you think to yourself with a frown.

You walked up and tapped on a reporter's shoulder, grabbing their attention. "Can't you see I'm-?" He stopped talking upon seeing you, your height intimidating them.

"Leave. You are disturbing a workplace." You placed a hand on your scythe, saying, "Else I must remove you all forcefully."

He nods quickly, then proceeded to inform everyone. In one fell swoop, there now was no more reporters. You walked inside without any trouble. Workers and patients gave thanks, the tips of your ears starts to grow warm in embarrassment. After asking for Midoriya Izuku's room, you bowed to the front desk lady before heading over. The color of the setting sun was beautifully breathtaking, bringing a small smile on your face.

Your ear twitches at the sound of voices from inside his room. You stopped at the door, listening in. "... -guys crazy?! We've just been attacked, got saved and now you guys want to throw yourselves in more danger? That's crazy!"

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