What-if 02

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[ Welcome to the Hero ]
Scenario: What if Fuji Y/N was born into the BNHA universe instead? (Pt1)

| Code Name | • Wisteria Hero: Fujikasane •
| Quirk| • Glicine •
«Y/N's Quirk allows them to release toxins that is found when concentrated from within a wisteria»


When you were but a small child, a spark of purity who merely scratched the surface of the world that you barely lived long enough in, you would always remember the words of your ailing grandmother in times of strife; a saying that became your foundation:

"The world will always be filled with injustice. If you have time to give up or hold a grudge against that injustice, then use that time to enjoy battling those injustices instead."

You felt stiff and robotic all your life, never staying in one place nor drifting away someplace else. Growing up, everyone around you glorified Quirks, and yet discriminated against one another in a never-ending battle of which was stronger or more useful than the other. In their eyes, the world was split in black and white-nothing more, nothing less-that evil of any sorts were evil and good of any kind are good. It irked you to the core. It was then, one day, your grandmother decided to.. expanded your horizons. A normal day, you felt now looking back at the memory, where you sat nearby the pond while your sister and cousin played with each other from afar. With your keen hearing, you heard your grandmother slowly but surely came up and sat alongside with you, sharing an immense interest at the koi fishes too. Your parents had driven you and your sister here in hopes that your grandmother could help get through to you. Apparently your 'free spiritedness' was a danger to your peers, and thus, you were isolated from the others, "to detach you from infecting others of your speeches and ideologies," they said.

"I was merely stating a fact," you say quietly. You did not wanted your sister and cousin to overhear, you wished for them to remain ignorant. Like how you hoped for yourself to be too.

"Oh? Pray tell."

Perhaps you inherited your free spiritedness from your grandmother. After all, she too shared similarities with what you said and thought about. "He was bullying her and spouted nothing but lies and nonsense. Both are powerful and useful, but he thinks that his is greater and therefore believes he is far more superior and important." Your frown deepened at the memory. "It was outspoken and he needed to be disciplined, yet none moved to do so, despite there being those in different statuses and power. No, it was more as though no one wanted to. And they all claim to be heroes themselves. I merely did everyone a favor."

"Sounds quite the predicament that is being presented before you."

You looked up into your grandmother's eyes, seeing yourself being reflected in them. "Humans are selfish and cruel, yet kind and compassionate. Weak when it comes to themselves, but strong in the heat of greatness."


You turned towards the skies, watching how the clouds slowly move to a direction where the winds wants them to be, asking, "What can I, someone who possesses humanity and an unknown power, shape a never before seen imagination become a reality? How must I obtain such courage and knowledge to overcome these obstacles?"

As years turns into a decade later, you traveled on this road called life, wondering and searching for the answers-your own answers-to your own questions, the ones from so long ago. You remained unsure for as long as you could remember. You would not be given answers until after you had made a name for yourself within the hero society, showing these prejudices that society today had been brushing off to the sides for too long, and fighting against the odds that has been placed onto your shoulders since you came into this world. It was unheard of: a young growing adult making it into the big leagues; but not impossible. After all, you were not the first, merely the second. On top of your desk, there was an envelope with a golden wax seal; a first of its kind of many more, however, you felt as though it shall be the last. Two remarkable students from a prestigious well renowned hero school, there was no doubt about that, but both lacked qualities-traits-that a hero needed: the courage to accept and how to better not only the future, but for those that are sworn to be protected and themselves too under their care.

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