What-if 03

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[ Welcome to the Villain ]
Scenario: What if Fuji Y/N was born into the BNHA universe instead? (Pt2)

| Code Name | • Venenum •
| Quirk| • Glicine •
«Y/N's Quirk allows them to release toxins that is found when concentrated from within a wisteria»


You remembered this was being spoken to you clearly, as though this had occurred just yesterday, when in fact it was a decade and a half ago. Your cousin was and is a strong inspiration as to how you held yourself in your decisions and convictions. She always had a way with her words, manipulating the situation to benefit her ideals. You found that aspiring. One of your favorites to recall upon whenever you felt you were beginning to lose your way, her saying:

"The stage is the world, and the world is the stage."

She had stuck by you then and there before, but especially more so when your parents and sister died during an unexpected villain attack. Normally, the majority would have thought that you would harbor such hate against the villain who had taken your family away from you, but this certainly was not the case; Far from it because your hate was not on the one that led the attack, rather the ones that should have had prevented the said attack: Pro-Heroes. These so called protectors had failed you because they were too late to defuse the situation from escalating, then also stopping it from taking lives. They all thought a large sum of money and a halfwitted apology would heal your wounds and heartache, they only cared about who would take over the family's business instead of caring about the family's wellbeing. It made you sick.

The shock was too great that it left your grandmother bedridden, leaving you in your cousin's care at her every beck and call; though you could care less. There was so much hate and anger and anguish swirling within you, peace and tranquillity could never hope to find a place in you. You scorned the world and its so-called heroes. Now that you had been reborn, you could see just how filthy everything and everyone was. And in the midst of this chaos that you had sunken yourself into, your cousin saw potential within it all. Whether she truly cared about you or not, you dare not fret about it because without her careful and precise guidance, these wonderful opportunities would not have presented themselves to you.

You did not know what you should do with all this pent up feelings inside of you, but she knew. She always did. "Nothing ever goes according to plan in this accursed world. You will come to realize that the longer you live, the more you shall come to terms that the only thing that truly exists in this reality are merely pain, suffering and futility."

"Then what must be had for this to be quenched? How can I make those reaped what they sowed?!"

"... I shall forgive you just once and save face." Your cousin changed into someone whom you do not recognized anymore. She said it was for a good cause, that you too should do the same. "These pathetic mortals fear themselves and others, the things that cannot be rationalized and understood. However I believe there is more beyond misunderstanding." She points to you, saying, "Become the very idea that everyone have come to fear: imagination. Harnessing such fragmented hallucinations can they only truly reaped what had been sown."

Something within you snapped. You were not sure what it was then, but later down the road, you realized that what had been cut was your humanity-the very thing keeping you and everyone else connected in a way. Now with it gone and never to be seen again, you and your cousin hatched a foolproof plan and began doing just that: making sure those that have wronged you reaped what they sowed, little by little until there is nowhere else for them to run. It was so genius that the thought of it alone made you laugh, as expected of your cousin really; she truly was a mastermind, something not meant to be trifled with-and you dare not, not by a long shot. Your cousin would be the one to save the family business face by proclaiming and becoming heir. In doing so, she would have placed society and its pathetic followers dangle above the palm of her hand; for them all to be at her every beck and call, ensuring that you could become the very thing that she promised you should be without so much as a hitch. In turn, you slowly had made a name for yourself in the underground society, a force to be reckoned with, seeping fear into whomever was unlucky to come across your path.

And as excepted, your popularity was so great that now you were most definitely branded as a highly wanted villain-dead or alive. But even through this much, this was not enough. Hardly. You and your cousin both knows it. Though you were not far from achieving your goal, it just needs to adapt once more-like always. And what better way to advance further than to partner up with an organization that too slowly made a name for themselves, all in hopes of changing society and its people to their ideals: the League of Villains? During the last few months especially, your cousin had informed you that they were growing immensely; and by having them by our side, even if not for long, would greatly be beneficial. In fact, it could even get you to where you should have been: destroying society from the inside out.

"So what's your story, hm~?"

"You can tell us, we won't tell! We're gonna let everyone know!"

Who would not know about Venenum? You were infamous for your crimes, too many to recall yet too little to remember. You had taken the world of evil by storm, inspiring many to join in. Some wonders what your true motives were, whilst others wonders what had forsaken you to divulge into this business; Whatever your reasons and decisions were, one thing was made very clear: you were not one to be trifled with. Ever since you 'joined', the top members of the League, now known as the Paranormal Liberation Front, could not get a proper read on you. You were like water, in a way: staring at it, it is clear as day, but touch it or dip into it, it shall ripple and create something new yet remain the same. At first, they were suspicious of you; after all, the rumors surrounding you were that you worked alone, at all cost. So why is it now that you suddenly wished to team up with them? Something did not add up. And you knew this too. This was the outcome that you wanted, you planned to keep this charade going until the long awaited war between heroes and villains finally happens.

"Tch. Why bother with them? Even if you get them to talk, you don't even know how they're truly feeling, even with that damn creepy ass mask."

You wore a black sleeveless turtleneck and cargo pants with combat boots and leather gloves. At the back, you had your clan's old timely symbol in bright purple. However, the most notable of all about you was not your attire or the symbol (surprisingly), rather it was the mask that you wore to hide your face: it could change expressions depending on how you felt, but it was limited; And even then, it was unnerving to see because it would slowly change to whichever expression you desired regardless. Its eyes were closed, but it could either be upright or upside down; but the mouth could move: from sorrow with a frown or a smile, to happiness with a smile by its lonesome or with a tear accompanied by it; What each means, none are certain, not that anyone would dare to find out for themselves or without your permission. Not to mention the sinister voice changer people would hear whenever you spoke.

"Does it matter? Whether they're worth the investment or not, we just use them until we have no use and then kill 'em. Ain't that right, boss?"

"It's alright, play house with them until you get bored. You wouldn't mind that, would you now, Venenum?"

You turned to the leader, your mask slowly gracing him a smile before saying, "In a selfish world, the selfish succeeds."

This was what you learned as time went on without you. You sometimes wondered: would anything would have been different if your family had survived? Who knows for sure. You certainly did not, nor did you cared to.

 You certainly did not, nor did you cared to

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