Chapter 06

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| Welcome to the World of Quirks pt2 |

You quietly sipped on your cup of tea as the staff members walked into Principal Nezu's office, one by one. Lukewarm liquid slips through your mouth and down your throat. By the time everyone had settled into their seats, you had just finished your tea.

Principal Nezu clears his throat, catching the eyes of everyone. "I apologize for today's unexpected outcome. You've only just arrived and we had to throw you into the lion's den." You shake your head as you rested your hands in your lap. "Regardless, let's get back to the dire situation in our hands. In case if anybody has forgotten, allow me to summarize the main points during this morning's meeting: there are man-eating demons within the city that are running loose, and we Pro-Heroes are unable to immobilize them. Therefore I've sent out a notice that requires backup, where Ms. Fuji comes in. Our Quirks do not work against them, but a specialty crafted weapon can. Did I missed anything?" Everyone shook their heads. "Good, good. Now then, Fuji-San, what're the preparations that you need in order for you to do what you are here to do?"

Your pointer-fingers twiddle with each other underneath the table as you tried to formulate words, while building courage to communicate them to the crowd of people. "Before I start, I want to mention a few things. Firstly, I would like to clarify something: to kill a demon by beheading them is not the only means of ridding them from the face of the Earth. There is another way to do so: by sunlight, just the thought of the possibility leaves them in fear because it shall turn them to dust." You take out a pouch from your pocket and handed it over to Aizawa Shota, to which he in turn gave to Principal Nezu; "Secondly, this pouch holds seeds of wisteria trees. I request you to plant these around the vicinity of your school. Wisteria flowers are something demons will actively avoid at all costs. When concentrated, the smell alone is an excellent repellent."

Principal Nezu nods excitedly. "Yes, yes!"

"And finally, I would also like to add another request."

"Anything to help."

"Have the Pro-Heroes be on standby, ready to evacuate civilians and buy myself time to arrive onto the scene. Inform them of what they are dealing with. It is alright if they are in disbelief. As the saying goes, 'Sometimes a lesson must be learned in a gruesome manner.'" You bowed your head, "That is all I require, thank you very kindly."

"Very well." Principal Nezu turns to everyone, "Does anyone else have anymore questions for Ms. Fuji?" They all shook their heads. "Thank you for your time, everyone. The meeting is over now." You and the Pro-Heroes stood from your seats and bowed to each other in respect before the room disperses itself. Principal Nezu turns to Aizawa Shota, softly saying, "Shota-Kun, they are yours."

Aizawa Shota nods tiredly, motioning for you to follow. You bowed towards Principal Nezu before swiftly catching up to your temporary guardian. Colors of red, orange and yellow melded together, creating a feeling of anxiousness within the pit of your stomach. The two of you chatted idly on the way to his abode, informing each other the inconveniences that you both would be dealing with (more so on Aizawa Shota's part). You arrived at where you would be temporarily be living in, the ride here left you in a daze. A transportation that exceeded your expectations, just as the train that you went onto to come here did.

Aizawa Shota turns to you, making you look to him. "Your stuff was sent here during class earlier today. Here are the ground rules: don't needlessly wake me up, only if it's a life or die situation; and be careful, you may be experienced in this field of work, but you're still a kid. Are we clear?"

You stiffly nod, feeling unsure. You were torn. Compared to the rules here, the ones set by your sister back at the family estate were drastically different: 'Act as though I do not exist, just as I shall act as though you do not exist unless proven otherwise. Do not mention grandmother by any means. Whenever outside eyes come inside, lie through our gritted teeth if need be. You must not speak unless you are spoken to. Defy orders given to you is an act of treason. Do not undermine an authority. Become someone perfectly flawless with no quirks.'

*caw, caw* "Fuji Y/N! Head over to Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture! There is a demon that is nearby, causing mayhem!" *caw*

*caw, caw* "Fuji Y/N! Head over to Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture! There is a demon that is nearby, causing mayhem!" *caw*

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