Side Story 08

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| Welcome to the Shopping pt2 |

"Did you hear about that one girl from 1A?"

"Which one?"

"That gold-digger."

"Ah her."

"Why is she even here anyways? If she wanted money, she should just be a stripper. Bet she'll be dripping with money then."

"Heh yeah. Hey, why don't we pay her for her services?"

"Haha, you're right."

"I saw her went this way, let's go and-."

You slammed your hand against the lockers, blocking the two boy's way. Your eyes hardens with an unspoken rage, your fist clenching into the palm of your hand that it starts to draw out blood. Humans were vile creatures, you knew that better than anybody else. But sometimes, you somehow have seemed to forgotten just how disgusting humans can truly be.

"You two had best not act upon your sinful ideas, lest you wish to face a slow and agonizing death, far worse than your so called pathetic imaginations."

They trembled beneath your sharp gaze before quickly running away from you, screaming bloody murder. You inhaled and exhaled from your mouth, trying to mellow out your ragged breathing and to calm your emotions. You turned around to see someone standing behind the wall, far away from you but close enough to hear the conversation.

"You.. didn't had to do that, y'know? Their words don't bother me."

"Then why shed tears?"

You saw their body stiffen. "I.. I don't know. It's not like.. it's the first time I've heard people say such mean stuff about me."

You walk up to them, seeing a downcast Ochako Uraraka with tears staining her face. She looks up, her eyes empty yet full of pain and sorrow. You recognized this look from a colleague of yours two years ago. Eyes filled with want and desire, yet held back because of prejudice and self doubt. You dug into your haori's sleeve, grabbing out a wrap. Wrapping the palm of your hand, you cracked your neck before putting it back.

"Pardon my reach, Ochako-San."

"Eh? What do you-?" You took off your haori, tying it around her waist to cover her lower body, then hoisting her up into your arms bridal style. "What're you doing?!" She asked aloud, her cheeks flushing red.

You look down into her eyes, saying, "Treating you."

You start to walk out with Ochako Uraraka, drawing attention from those around you. She quickly wrapped her arms around your neck, digging her face into your chest from embarrassment. "But why? I couldn't possibly make you-!"

"You remind me of someone I know moderately well. She too have been ridiculed by society. At first, she tried changing herself and become someone who was not her. Later on, she met people who have finally accepted her for who she is and loved her dearly."

"... So you're helping me because I remind you of this person?"

"Not entirely. I am doing this of my own accord. I chose to help because you are my friend. And I for one will not let those that are sinful and harmful to bring down those that I cherish."

Ochako Uraraka felt tears pricked her eyes as she grasped onto your uniform. She felt so loved and appreciated. She looks up and smiles at you, as you too smiled down at her just the same.

 She looks up and smiles at you, as you too smiled down at her just the same

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