Chapter 08

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| Welcome to the Test of Capability pt2 |

"Excuse me, All Might Sensei!" You recognized the sound of your classmate's voice, a familiar redhead, gaining everyone's attention with his voice. "What is Fuji-San going to do?"

"Ah yes! Since they joined the class rather haphazardly, once everyone has done their mock battles, I will pick three students to go against them." Toshinori Yagi looks to you, "I hope that's alright with you, Fuji-Kun?"

You nod.

"Pardon me, All Might Sensei." You recognized the sound of your classmate's voice, Yaoyorozu Momo. "I feel as though this is unfair to both sides."

You placed a hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention. Her black eyes swirls with a hint of worry, shadowed by doubt. You froze, you never thought ahead if you got her focus onto you. A familiar gnawing feeling tugs at your insides, your heart's pace quickening as it pumps loudly in your ears. Your surroundings were blurred and mushed together, causing your hand to let go of your classmate's shoulder. A look of concern crossed onto Yaoyorozu Momo's face upon witnessing your poor complexion. It felt as if a sack of bricks collided onto her head when realization hit her. She rubs your back in a soothing motion, whilst breathing slowly, most likely for you to follow her exercise. You gave her a small smile, grateful, all the while the first group went ahead to 'battle'.


Soon enough, your time to be assessed (by the students) had arrived. You walked out of the room, allowing Toshinori Yagi and the students to decide as to who will go against you. Taking this opportunity to make a mental layout of the building in its entirety, you then finally made your way towards where the supposed 'nuclear weapon' resided. You went over the information about the students that Aizawa Shota gave you from last night, preparing what sorts you would use. Warming yourself up, your ear twitched at the sound of oncoming footsteps. In a flash, you leapt back and onto the prop as a growing rumble of ice came thrashing inside and towards you. 'Todoroki Shoto, Quirk: Half Hot and Cold', you thought as your neck cocked to the side in recognition. 'At the sight, naturally, one would know that he uses his right side of his power rather than the left side. Pray tell as to why, but the reason runs deeper than simply refusing to use it.'

You had a feeling that everyone you had met thus far since your arrival to the school, their suspicions and doubt lingers in the air, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. You had had enough. Landing carefully and quietly, you tread silently out of the room. You cracked your neck, side to side, before grabbing your scythes from behind, combing them together. If they wish to evaluate their only option to know peace in their lives, then you were no stranger to be left in the dark.

"Symphonic-Fuji no Kokyū, San no Kata: Fuji Z Kauntā."
(Symphonic-Wisteria Breathing, Third Form: Wisteria Z Counter)

The walls were cut in half as the roof collapsed, rumbling the building. You scan the area for any hints of the "heroes'" whereabouts whilst letting things settle, but none were around. Your ear twitched, the sound of heavy boots readjusting its body's weight. There was a hole in the floor, allowing you to see a smidge of purple hair. 'Jiro Kyoka, Quirk: Earphone Jack', you thought. 'Best rid of her from this exercise before she becomes a hindrance towards succession.' Noticing a sizable hole for you to go through, you quietly slipped down onto the fifth, then to the fourth floor.

You swiftly swung your blade to her neck, a hair's length away from contact. You heard her breath hitched at the sudden sound. "Jiro Kyoka, you have been found," you say in a hush tone. It stays at her neck as you move to be in front of her. Your hand extends out, waiting expectingly, "Communications between you and your comrades shall be terminated." Jiro Kyoka sighs defeatedly, disappointed that she could not provided more help; that she was the first one to be found. Handing over the earpiece, you fumbled, trying to place it into your ear. Afterwards, you carefully lead her up to where the prop was. Handcuffing her hands, you decided to 'console' her, the grim expression clouding her, "As someone who is a valuable asset on and off the field, your... Quirk, is extraordinary. Most definitely not as flashy as the others, but it has its moments. You are an ace up your team's sleeves, one must know their limits before leaping into the unknown."

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