Undercover Cop

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"Chief Piccolo, we need to find these guys, if we don't, who knows how many other innocent children will be put at risk." Gohan slammed his hands down on the table, some files gliding to the floor.

"The only way to get in or even find these guys is by getting so far deep there's no coming out." Tien spat, he'd once had a partner, Yamcha, who was sent out for just that, but never returned.

"Then we just need someone that, under any circumstances, will not fall these people's mind tricks. Someone who's- what's the word? Been there, done that?" Puar suggested, she'd experienced lots of things in this department but this, this was a first.

"Loo- look!" Piccolo waited for everyone in the room to silence before continuing, "I've got a guy."

"Who?" They all chimed at once, eager to know who was going to be sacrificed.


"Son Goku, Kakarot, reporting for duty! No that's way to cringy. Son Goku, Kakarot, ready to fight tooth and nail for justice! Nope that's worse. Ugh! I'm never gonna get thi-"


"Ahh!" Goku squealed, not expecting the interruption, but made sure to attempt a salute. "Yes Pi-! chie-! sir! Sir sir sir!"

"Meet me in my office in five for a meeting. We will be discussing someone very important so be there." Piccolo'd always been harsh but patient, he was like an older sibling. Just with more authority.

"Yes sir!.. Sir..?" Goku subtly questioned.

"Yes Goku, you may call me by my name as I call you yours. Oh! One more thing, stop being so nervous! It's not like you're going to be castrated or crucified." Piccolo joked before heading to his office.

Yeah, there's no need to be scared Goku, it's a meeting not selling your soul to the devil. No, it can't possibly be that bad!


This is even worse.

"Piccolo why do I have to go back into a place like that!? You know-"

"What happened to you and why you became a cop in the first place." Piccolo glanced at him sadly.

He remembered when Goku and his brother were the ones in such a terrible place.

Goku wasn't bathed or taken care of, so no one saw interest in using him for sexual purposes. He was mainly used for cleaning up the aftermath and taking care of the kids who earned "the bad people" the most money.

Radditz was another story however, the people loved him, he was one of the special kids who got baths, actual beds, and on rare occasion their own choice of food. Of course, Goku was jealous, as all the other kids were, until he found out how miserable Radditz actually was. Not only being a favorite taste for the dr^g dealers, he was older. Which meant he could do more for the adults than the smaller, younger, weaker kids.

After Goku found out he made it his mission to at least get his brother out of that place. It ended up taking a year and three months but someone left a phone and a wallet behind. Goku called 911 on the phone and told them everything he could before he heard footsteps. He hung up the phone and went back to cleaning, putting the phone and wallet on the shelf where small items used in the room were placed. Usually it was sex toys or whips, which made him angry for his brother.

A boy walked in and started heading for the phone and wallet, before stopping to stare at Goku. Goku knew better than to ask questions so he kept quiet and hoped the boy wasn't thinking of the same thing he was.

The boy spoke, "you aren't supposed to be here, you could get in trouble."


"Reporting for duty!" Goku saluted, his cheeks flushed red as he heard some giggles.

"Good, cause as of tomorrow you're undercover as a dr^g dealer. Have fun." Piccolo chided, waving his hand in dismissal.


"No buts." Piccolo pulled his usual RBF at him.

"We just started the meeting!" Goku tried to have a say in this, he did not want to go back there.

"Son, you've just been standing there for the past twenty minutes." Puar spoke gently.

"Look," Tien put a hand on his shoulder, "we'll be there every step of the way. There won't be a single moment where at least one of us won't be in contact with you."

"You promise?" Goku questioned once again, holding back the urge to cry.

"I promise, now I know you're ready for anything as you've proven earlier,but go get some rest." Tien and the rest of them watched as Goku left.

"They're gonna have a field day with him."

"How much you wanna bet he wants to leave within five minutes?" Gohan bet.

"As son as he walks in he's gonna start crying." Chiaotzu giggled under his breath.

"Guys!" Piccolo and Tien shouted at once.

"I've only got twenties." Gohan shrugged

"Boys that's enough!" Piccolo warned, at this point Tien gave up.


"You're on."

"Out of my office!"

Part 2 to those shortly. And by shortly I mean tomorrow or a couple days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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