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Vegeta rested his elbows on his knees whilst rubbing his temples. He stared at the carpet trying to focus on what he was thinking about, but it seemed distant with the younger saiyan continued yelling in his ear.

"Shut up! Shut! Up! I can't even remember what I was thinking about!" He shouted

He turned his head, glaring angrily at the once excited Goku.

Goku bowed his head slightly in thought, "my bad Geta. I just wanted to tell you about the cookout Bulma's having later this week. I know you're really stressed right now so I thought it'd be a well-deserved break?" Goku made a nervous expression when Vegeta only got angier.

"Kakarot, get out of my face. We can talk about this later." Vegeta said, his scowl finally dropping to a more neutral look.

Goku swung his hands up in an attempt to strike the prince. Vegeta flinched his hands up to block the blow, but no attack came. He lowered his hands enough for him to peek at the other, and realized Goku was trying put his hands up defensively.

He stared at the shocked look on Goku's face, and his hands steadily fall to his sides. "I'm sorry." He said, Goku reached a hand out to comfort the older saiyan, frowning when he flinched again.

When Goku laid his hand upon Vegeta's back he felt the light trembling and his frown deepened. "A.. Are you okay, Vegeta?" Goku walked around him and plopped onto the couch himself.

"Hey. Talk to me." He whispered, raking his fingers gently through the other's hair.

Goku noticed tears welling in the other's eyes, before Vegeta tilted his head back. He was trying to hold back his tears. Goku gave a half-hearted smile whilst continuing to comfort his husband.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad or anything, you'll be okay. Breathe. Just listen to me an-" Goku watched as Vegeta covered his ears.

"Shut up. Please. Just-" Vegeta whimpered in a quiet, broken voice before quickly ducking his head down and squeezing his eyes shut. "You sound just like him.."

Goku's eyes widened a bit with curiosity, before narrowing with suspicion. "Who?"


"My beautiful little prince." The queen kissed her sons head, smiling in admiration.

"My proud little prince, or should I just say king already, hm?" Her smile grew every second she saw her first born and kissed his forehead again.

"Mooom, you're embarrassing me!" Vegeta playfully pushed his mother's face away, before being smothered in her kisses.

"I can't help it! You're so cute, and so strangely bright, like a dying star." Her smile quickly changed to a scowl when a familiar, booming voice spoke, annoyed.

"You're spoiling him." King Vegeta said, glaring at his wife.

"I am not spoiling him, I am treating him how a future king should be treated." She glowered at her husband in a burning hatred.

"It's making him soft. He needs to grow into a man. A king. Not a whore who calls herself 'The Queen of All Saiyans'." He glared back, he loved her, but she needed to be reminded who was really in charge.

The queen stood, "'whore'? Is that the best you could come up with? I mean, at least I don't make him train with professional elites!"

"He needs to be trained! Don't you realize his potential? He was born with a power greater than my own!"

"That doesn't change the fact that he's a child! A seven year old child to be specific!"

Vegeta frowned, brows arched downward into a worried expression. He flinched when his father wrap his hand around his mother's neck. He crawled under under his bed, and watched feet move from either side of the room. He closed his eyes. He heard yelling, things being thrown, his brother screaming in his cradle. He covered his ears, trying so hard to block out the noise. Suddenly it went quiet. All he could hear was the subtle ringing in his ears. He slowly opened his eyes, and gaped in shock and horror.

His mother's lifeless eyes stared through him. He began screaming, before a hand reached under and grabbed him. He was pulled out from under the bed to reveal his annoyed father. "Look what you've done, boy." He pointed his hand at the deceased queen.

"What will the people think of you now? Now that you've killed their queen? You're own mother?" He spoke in such a disappointed tone, crossing his arms.

"I-.. I didn't mean to. I-.. W-what do I do Papa?" Vegeta stuttered, looking to his father for help.

"Well. Since you've always been my favorite son, I might be able to help you. But you must listen closely, and do exactly as I say." King Vegeta waited his response, "do you understand?"

Vegeta nodded desperately, the smell of his mother's blood making him nauseous. King Vegeta kneeled.

"Eat her."

Vegeta stared at his father with horrified eyes at the order. He switched his focus on his mother's corpse.

"Eat it. All of it. Including the bone, as many bones as you can. Once you're done with that I'll do the rest." He turned his back to his son, and headed for the door.

"B-but Papa! I-i can't-" Vegeta looked up at his father from the floor, after being knocked down.

"So what? You believe you're better than me? That you can defy my orders because she did? Because she spoiled you and made you soft? I don't think so."

Vegeta propped himself on his elbows as his father kneeled. King Vegeta grabbed him by the chin. "One way or another you will die as I say." He spoke in a low voice.

"I am the king and are in charge. You are the prince and with do as I say. You live in my palace and will abide by my rules. That's all you have to do to keep me from getting mad. Just listen to me."


Goku stared confused at his sobbing prince. Vegeta was sat sobbing with his knees brought to his chest, and his face buried in them. Goku slowly wrapped his arms around the prince, pulling the other onto him. Vegeta didn't break his position, but did cry quieter.

Goku was unsure whether he was allowed to comfort the other in this state. They'd been together for a while now, but never had Vegeta been as upset as this. And he didn't understand why.

"Shh..." He shushed quietly rubbing circles on the other's arm. "Do.. Do ya wanna talk about it..? I promise I won't-" Goku paused choosing his next words carefully. "-I promise you're safe. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

He felt Vegeta shake his head. "Do you want a drink or something?" Goku asked, confused on how to comfort him.

However, again the prince only shook his head.


Goku froze when his stomach grumbled.

"...You wanna go get some food...?" He felt Vegeta chuckle a bit, before nodding his head.

Goku kissed Vegeta atop his head. "My beautiful little prince. My proud, arrogant prince, or should I say king? It doesn't matter to me. You're still so cute, and so weirdly bright, like a dying star."

Vegeta smiled sadly to himself.

I know it's weird but if you look at the deeper meaning it sheds some light on what I'm going through. But even if you can't it's okay. I'm moving on, the wounds are healing into scars, I'm growing not only as a person but as someone who's fighting for their voice, for their chance. I'm learning to love myself, and for those of you who feel unloved as I did, I love you. I live to write this because I made a promise. A promise to someone who loves me more than they love themself. I made that promise, because I realized how much I'd be throwing away. My whole life, everything that I've done or impacted would have been for nothing, and I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let my sister feel as bad as I did. I'm working on myself and I really hope you do too. Remember, there will always be someone out there that loves you. If you have no one who loved you, then you haven't met them and it's time to find them. I love you guys.

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