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"Don't look at me like that."

I glared at Kit-Kat who sit on kitchen counter with the most judging look cat can have, watching me showed down my third aspirin of the day. And it wasn't even noon yet. Well I have to die somehow so why not overdose of aspirin. But Kit-Kat didn't seem to get that this is none of her busyness as she stared at me. Slowly but steadily I was coming to conclusion that I might not like cats. Or at least this cat. The way she looks at me, like she's staring right into my soul and judges me. This never happened with any dog I know. But getting dog wouldn't fit Ran's love for drama so here I'm having staring contest with this creature.

"(y/n), there you are - what's going on here?"

Ran stopped in kitchen door and stared from me to Kit-Kat and back. I didn't tore my eyes of her, I'm not losing this.

"Not much."


Finally Kit-Kat admited her defeat and with look I'd call annoyed she jumped to floor and walked past Ran not sparing him a single glare. He stared after her wordlessly. Once she was out of sight he turned to me.

"What was that?"


Honestly I had no idea how I ended up holding staring contest with cat. Ran seemed to consider for a moment but decided to let it go. He did too much unreasonable sh*t to question this.

"Is your head better?"


It really was better than when I woke up so it wasn't a lie. Still it hurt like hell. Ran's eyes fell on pack of aspirin on counter.


He dashed to me and pulled it out of my reach before he started to count all the pills.

"How many did you already had today?"

"Not much ..."

He gave me sceptical look, one that was very familiar to Kit-Kat's ...


Yop he definitely gave me same look as his cat ... I know that instrucions said to not eat more than one at time but if that thing isn't working then what am I supposed to do? Suffer? No thanks. Ran shook his head a little.

"Princess I am the one who ignores all warning labels, you and Rindo are supposed to be the ones to stop me. So please stop trying to steal my job."

I laughed a little. I wouldn't be so sure about Rindo but it was true that I was was usually the one to keep an eye on them. But hey, can't I have a day off? Upon seeing me laugh Ran smiled but then his expression turned into one of concern again.

"Princess if you don't feel well you don't have to go-"

"As if I'd missed fight with Toman just because of little headache."

Ran sigh, he expected it.

"Fine but I'm confiscating these."

He took the pack of aspirin and clearly had no intention of returning it.

"Oh, come on!"

I tried to reach to get it back. I didn't plan on eating anymore right now but I didn't like him taking it away, even if for my own good.

"Nope, nothing can help princess. I even dragged out of bed just to make sure your fine, that means I'm not letting you keep this up."

"It's 11 AM."

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