Chapter 10

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Vidhya's pov :

It's been a week. A week since I poured hot water on his hand. I regretted it so badly.

Hundreds of texts, hundreds of missed calls but he didn't bother to respond anything. Maybe, because I don't probably deserve it..

I felt like crying for hurting him. I felt a lot guilt. This one week was like hell with the guilt which I was carrying in my chest.

I checked out on Nisha yesterday and she was still so sad about that. She should move on and look after her life.

The company was still running by the special team. There was a drop in shares followed by my boss' death. There's a huge loss but I was hoping it'd be soon fine.

I texted once more to him where he once again ignored my message. The next thing I know was he blocked me..

I don't care if he forgives me or not but I just want to say a single sorry face to face. And, I want to see if he was okay. It was really dumb of me to pour a hot water on his injury due to my carelessness.

God, it's the first time in feeling this guilt!

I hated the fact that I'm really clumsy to do anything and mess things up. Even if I wasn't doing it on purpose, still, it's my responsibility.

I was on my way to his house. I was heading to the same location he sent me before a week. I won't be able to rest well if I don't say a sorry face to face.

I was nervous. I never felt this nervous in my lifetime. Even when my crush enters the call, I was never this nervous.

Finally, after reaching his condo, I felt like my heart was coming out of my chest. My heartbeat was audible to myself.

Gladly, the watchman let me inside and I walked towards his door taking a sharp intake to calm myself down. I pressed the calling bell and was clutching my hand bag's fabric in nervousness.

The door opened revealing Sonya, Madan's one of the friend. I knew beforehand that she's going to scold me badly, but I was here for Madan and I have nothing to do with her.

"What are you doing here?", She asked rudely.

"I'm here for Madan. Not you. Just, let me in.", I said.

"No, I won't. He's busy with taking physiotherapy from nurse. Maybe, you should come after an hour. The session will he over in an hour.", She said and I nodded.

Without saying anything, she closed the door on my face which I found rude much.

I stepped out of his condo and went to Nisha's house. I reached Nisha's house in 10 minutes. Her house was not much far from Madan's house.

I entered her room where she was staring at particularly nothing in the floor. I could tell she was lost in her thoughts.


She turned back.

"You still crying? I ordered you a burger which is your favourite. I know you didn't have your breakfast.", I said and she turned back looking at the floor.

I settled beside her and let out a sigh.

"You know right? About how my mom died? I could tell she was the best mom anyone could have.. she died when I was 6. I saw life fading from her body with my very own eyes. It was torturous. That's when I had my first seizure. I was so scared and crying badly. Screaming. Shouting. Struggling. My brother was equally shocked as me. I concealed something from you.. you don't know who killed my mom right? I didn't tell you about it..", I said as a tear slipped from my eye recalling those memories.

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