Chapter 47

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Vidhya's pov :

I groaned, waking up. My body felt so tired, the only thing that I was grateful of was that my headache was gone, completely gone.

I got up from my bed and switched on the light, tying my hair into a messy bun. I looked at the alarm clock which read 7 p.m. I was so hungry because I had skipped my breakfast because I was running late also I didn't have my lunch because of the incident in the office.

That's when I realised something. I was in his room. His room!

When I was about to exit the room, an arm caught me by my waist dragging me back to his room. I looked up to see his casual face. When I observed him more clearly, I was quite sure that he didn't take drinks or drugs.

"Is there something in my face that you're staring like this.", As soon as he said that, I immediately diverted my gaze to the nearby wall.

"By the way, where are you going?", He asked.

"Where would I go in this house? Of course, to my room."

"Oh, your room.. I saw a rat in your room and I set a trap in there. Do you want to go.", He said and I became silent.

Rats? Eeks! They are always scary and annoying.

I because afraid of rats since when a rat fell on my head from the wall hanger. It was when I was 10 but that thought still fears me.

"Ummm, so, where do you want me to stay at night?"

"You can stay in here. I'm not gonna eat you."

"Umm, I-", I'm fine staying in this room as long as he's not drunk. Right now, my hunger overtook me and I was really hesitant to tell him that I was hungry.

"Are you hungry?", He asked and I nodded slightly.

"And what do you want to eat?"

"Uhh, anything would be okay."

"Fine then, I will bring you the food, freshen up before that.", He said and walked away. I saw that he placed my clothes in the couch already along with my towel, facewash and other stuff.

I don't know what happened to this man all of sudden.

I shook those thoughts off my head and walked towards the bathroom to freshen up.

After wearing my night dress, I dried my hair and laid back on the bed. It's so relaxing to lay on the bed immediately after freshening up. I hate washing hair because it always is annoying.

But I have to do it atleast once in three days to maintain it. I tucked myself inside the blanket and started watching reels.


The weird thing that I felt in this relaxing moment was that the bed smelled like him. My chain of thoughts broke as he opened the door with a plate of pasta.

He placed the bed table infront of me and placed it along with water and a strip of tablet. I looked at the tablet strip and then him.

"Don't worry, it's not poison. The doctor in our office asked me to give this to you after dinner so that you'll feel less tired."

"Why would I think it'd be poison?"

"Cause you think I always don't have any good intentions."

I stayed silent. It was somehow true that I think like that about him. I didn't say anything further and started having my dinner while he settled on the couch watching me.

I felt uncomfortable under his gaze but somehow my hunger was more important than him, gazing me.

After I finished eating, I had a tablet and gulped the entire glass.

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