Chapter 50

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Kaira's pov :

I was 15 and was going to give my public exam soon. I love studying with Adhik, sharing notes with him and also teaching him so that he could get good grades.

It's been a couple year since I came to this school but I didn't have any friends so far. But, I always had a crush on Adhik. Never ever I thought he'd propose me on my birthday, making it the best ever one in my whole life.

Sometimes, I feel insecure about him. When everyone around him claims that Adhik is nothing but a Playboy, I just believed that he loves me truly. How could he not? He said he loves me and why would someone fool out of love.

Having the strictest and orthodox parents, it's hard for me to have conversation with him after school hours but I manage to steal my father's phone when he's sleeping and secretly talk to him. He speaks less everytime but I have to say he's a good listener.

I make sure to delete the history and placed back the mobile phone. Never ever I thought I'd take this risk for him when I fear my father so much.

He came to the library and sat beside me. He made sure that no one was around the library. I don't have any idea why he doesn't want to tell our relationship to anyone. He doesn't even want to disclose it to his closest friends.

I always wondered why he doesn't want to tell anyone about us which he says he don't want to affect our privacy.

I have him the notes of today and he sighed deeply looking at it. He looked quite annoyed by this.

"Why you have to do this every fucking time!?  If you study well, keep it with yourself! Don't just push your burden to me also.", he said angrily.

"But teacher scolded you for failing last time and I don't want you to get scold again.", I said calmly.

"Even my parents aren't worried about that. Who are you to worry?"

Ouch! It hurts..

"Adhik..", I said, a little hurt.

"You're annoying me. My parents aren't poor like yours and grades aren't much important for me.", he said and left the library immediately.

I sighed and took notes for a few minutes before I left. It's been four months since he proposed me, the initial days were happy and fun but he started getting angry over small things slowly and now, he is also ignoring me.

I thought it was my mistake that I annoy him everytime. I decided that I should speak less and a bit careful so that he doesn't get annoyed.

When I went to my home, my mom was always scolding me that the household chores are left undone. I freshened up and immediately joined my mom to do the chores in the house.

After doing all the works, the time was already 9 and I gave no idea if I will have time to do my homework and other things I have to study. My exams are coming soon and I have to go my best and get a good score that was enough to make my parents feel satisfied.

I was scared. Scared that my parents will again compare me with my cousins.. scared that I won't be good enough for them..

I took a deep sigh and started studying for today. At the same time, I thought about Adhik. Would he be still angry on me? I hope he would not because it's not a big fight rights?

After finishing everything, the time was already 2 in the midnight. I slept without talking to Adhik because I was too sleepy to.

The next day, Adhik glared at me angrily as I entered my classroom. I didn't expect him to be still angry on me for such a very small issue. At the interval, I asked him if he was still angry on me but he just ignored me.

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