Chapter 17

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Vidhya's pov :

It was finally next day and I was getting ready for my office. So bad I'm feeling lazy to even get ready for office.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the caller ID which showed Madan. I picked up the phone immediately and reached it to my ears.


I was really excited about his call but I don't know why.

"Hi. Got ready for office?"

"Oh yeah..", I said and he hummed.

"I want to ask you something I wanted to ask since past few days. Can I?", He asked and I was really confused.

"Go on."

"First of all, tell me you won't get mad. If you don't like it, you can just simply ignore and we can stay as friends as usual.", I hum as he say.

"Will you go on a date with me?", He asked all of sudden and I don't know how to react.

I was stunned. I was happy at the farthest corner of my heart but on the other hand, I was scared to go on a date with such a playboy like him.

"Uhh, but you're-"

"I am what? Playboy? First of all, you have to believe that I'm trying to change myself.. please, Vidhya"

I can't think anything all of sudden. I want time. Yes, I want time to think about it.

"It's ok, no hurry. I'll let you think for few days..", he said understanding and I hummed.

I hung up the phone with that and continued to get ready for office thinking about him asking me out.

I smiled thinking about that. Maybe, I'm interested in going on a date with him. It's just a date afterall it's not like I'm going to be his girlfriend in one day.

Telling this to Karthik or Nisha, they would literally kill me. But, I decided not to tell because it may hurt them.

With many thought wandering around my mind, I finally got out of my house and made my way to office by walking because I don't feel like going on bike or cab.

I reached my office in short and started to do my work without caring about anything. In the corner of my mind, there was a thought about him too.

I was thinking again and again about that and it's really good. After thinking for several hours, I took a decision to date him because it's not gonna affect me in any way.

I thought of calling him right now and say I'm okay with the date but then, I decided to tell him tomorrow.

I continued to work in the system with very much of excitement about tomorrow.

Between my works, he texted me if I ate or not, am I tired of working, and many more things and I was gladly replying it.

That's when my phone buzzed and I took it eagerly expecting it to be Madan. But, the caller ID belonged to Maddy.

I wondered why she was calling now because she's owning a big firm where she have to work a lot.

I attended the call immediately sensing something wrong.


"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine too. Today evening, I have arranged a party. I want you to come over."

"Oh yeah, sure.."

"I'm so happy today. Yesterday, Kiran forgave me. He said he wish to be with me again. Also, I asked him if we can marry and gladly, he said yes. I'm meeting his parents tomorrow afternoon."

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