Chapter 11

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Vidhya's pov :

"So, tell me, is right to be friend with him?"

"No, it wasn't right for me to talk with guys but-"

"That's not why I'm scolding you. It's not definitely right for me to say you can't talk to men. I'm asking you is it right to talk to Madan. Afterall, you know how much of a player he is. You know he and I don't get along."

"He somehow became my friend. But, he's not that bad, Karthik. He even forgave me for hurting his fractured hand.." I said and I know I was driving him crazy.

"Shut up! Are you dumb! Why you have to care when his hand is fractured? Who knows! Maybe the fracture and shits can be fake like him too."

"Come on, what he's going to get by faking it?"

"Your attention. I think that's what he want.", He said.

"We can talk later, Karthik. I'm tired.", I said and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Vidhya, he's not good like you think. The world is not full of unicorns. It's full of thorns.", He said in a scaring voice.

"I know. Have you ever seen me being with me any men? No, right? That's because don't trust them. They put on a mask of being good and is venomous inside. But, it's opposite for Madan. He look venomous but he is having a good side in his heart. Infact, everyone does have a good person inside their heart."

"You seriously gotta be mad, Vidhya. You serious? You're talking like this because you've never seen how perverted he is."

"And, you've never seen the good side of him. That is why you're blabbering shit."

"Are you mad or pretending like one?", He asked in disbelief.

"Well, I won't talk to him again. This is what you want, right.", I said and left to my room without waiting for his reply.

I rested for few minutes and went off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in the sound of my phone ringing. It was Madan. I looked at the clock which read 5:00 a.m. I was clueless why was he calling at the early morning.

I remembered when I promised Karthik I won't talk to Madan again. I don't want to break his promise. So, I disconnected the call and put it in silent.

I went back to sleep ignoring the mobile. I was reluctant but still, I have to do this.

When I woke up, it was already 9'O clock. I looked at my phone which had 17 missed calls and 20 messages in whatsapp. I opened my whatsapp and looked at his messages. There was only 1 message and 19 photos.

I looked at the photos which were full of documents about my boss'death. It was autopsy report of him. I don't know how he was able to get it but it's going to be a turning point in his death's mystery.

I started reading the documents. There were many terms that I was unable to understand but still I continued to read it.

I started Googling the terms that I was unable to understand then found out it was indeed a murder. His organs struggled when he died.

Who wanted to kill him? He was a good person after all..

Another question arose which was what was the police doing? As a police, they should enquire about it either it's suicide or murder. It means, he was killed by an influential person.

I couldn't bring myself to call him and decided to text him. I was afraid my brother would scold me for this too. I read his text message before texting him.

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