219: He always was

331 14 3

August 7th - Prompt: Fresh air


"Are you still in here?"

Edmund glanced up from his book, rolling his eyes. "Yes." He said somewhat firmly.

Peter sighed. "Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air?" He said. "It's a nice day."

"You know I'm not feeling great." Edmund grumbled.

"Probably all the more reason for you to go outside." Peter told him. "Go on, even if its just sitting outside, you can even take your book."

Edmund sighed, trying to ignore his brother.

"You've been cooped up in here for three hours Ed." Peter told him. "You won't feel better just sat here."

Edmund rolled his eyes, but sighed. "Fine." He muttered, knowing Peter wasn't going to leave him alone until he agreed. "I'll go sit outside, but I'm taking my book."

"That's fine." Peter said. "Be back in for dinner."

Edmund nodded slowly. "I will." He murmured.

Peter placed a hand on his shoulder as he stood, getting a frown from Edmund. "It'll make you feel better." He said. "Trust me."

And of course, Peter was right, as he always was.


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