327: Proud

194 13 3

November 23rd - Prompt: I'm so proud of you


"I'm so proud of you..."

Edmund looked up, frowning just a little. "For what?" He asked quietly. 

Peter nodded down at the Bible Edmund was currently reading, sighing a little. "Those boys weren't exactly nice to you when they spotted you reading," He said slowly. "But you stood up for yourself, you stood up for God, For Aslan if you like." 

Edmund smiled weakly. "I won't deny God to a group of silly boys." He said softly. "I only hope one day they'll come to find him too." 

Peter smiled at his brother. "We can only pray." He whispered, before taking a deep breath. "Finish up your chapter, we should head off to church." 

Edmund nodded, doing as Peter had said before leaving the room to grab his shoes and coat.

Peter watched after him, unable to keep the small smile from his face. He was beyond proud of his little brother, probably more than Edmund would ever know.

Sorry for the short one :)

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