240: Something's not right: Part two

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August 28th - Prompt: Let him go


It had been a long, long day.

Since the duel Peter had been out with the search party, searching the castle and surrounding woods for the hag, but with no luck.

It was now nearly 1am, and after checking on the girls to make sure they had actually gone to bed, (despite what Lucy had said about staying up until he got back) and seeing that they were both fast asleep, he decided to head down to the cells.

He met Orious half way there, and the centaur frowned at him. "Are you not heading to bed?" He asked. "No offense your majesty but you're looking tired."

Peter nodded slowly. "Yeah I know." He breathed. "But I need to see him."

Orious sighed. "I will come with you." He told him. "But after I really think you could do with some sleep."

Peter smiled weakly. "I'll sleep don't worry." He breathed.

Orious gave Peter a grateful nod as the two continued on in silence, until they reached the door that led down to the cells, where Peter froze in his tracks.

"Is everything alright?" Orious asked, looking a little confused.

Peter frowned. "I - I don't know." He murmured. "I've just all of a sudden gotten a horrible feeling."

"A horrible feeling?" Orious questioned, looking worried as he placed a hand to his sword hilt.

Peter hesitated. "Something's not right." He murmured, before yanking the door open and dashing down the stairs as fast as he could.

He nearly threw up when he reached the bottom, spotting the two guards dead on the floor outside the cell, each with stabs wounds in their chests.

The cell door was wide open, and Peter was almost too scared to look, and when he did his heart skipped a beat...

Edmund was gone.

He turned to Orious when the centaur reached him, taking a deep breath. "Something tells me the hags been here." He choked.

Orious only nodded in agreement, wandering over to the two guards and bending down beside them, actually looking genuinely upset.

Peter walked into the cell, scanning it, and stopped dead when he spotted a piece of paper nailed into the stone wall.

He hesitated to read it, but eventually forced himself to go over, reading it with a pounding heart.

"Orious?" He murmured, catching the Cantaurs attention. "There's a note here... from the hag."

"What does it say?"

"I'm to meet the hag at that small river about a mile into the woods." Peter told him. "Alone, and by sunrise, or she - she'll kill Edmund."

"Alone?" Orious said, not looking happy. "I don't trust this."

"Orious she'll kill him!" Peter exclaimed. "I won't let that happen!"

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