346: I don't think this is working...

173 13 2

December 12th - Prompt: Gingerbread


"I really don't think this is working." Edmund muttered.

Peter bit his lip as he tried to get the roof to stay on their Gingerbread house without collapsing the walls. "It will." He said. "Come on, we have to beat the girls."

A seven year old Edmund glanced over to the other side of the kitchen where Susan and Lucy were making their own house, and frowned deeply. "Their's looks so good!" He complained.

"Ugh its not staying on." Peter muttered, sighing.

"Well hurry." Edmund said quickly.

"Mum, we're done!" Lucy called suddenly.

"We're nearly done!" Edmund said, staring at the Gingerbread house as Peter tried to get the roof to stay on.

"There!" Peter suddenly exclaimed.

But just as their Mum walked into the room, the entire Gingerbread house collapsed, and Edmunds face fell with it. "No!" He cried quietly.

Helen chuckled gently as she walked into the kitchen. "Oh Edmund don't worry." She said. "I'm sure you tried."

"Ours stayed up!" Lucy said happily.

"Of course it did." Edmund grumbled.

Peter bit his lip. "I bet ours tastes better." He whispered to him. "Look at all the icing."

Edmund glanced at the fallen house, before smiling a little. "It probably does." He said. "But we haven't won."

Helen laughed. "You all won." She said.

Edmund frowned deeply. "That's not fair." He said.

Helen smiled. "It's fair." She told him. "Yours I bet tastes the best, and Susan and Lucy's looks the best, you all win, but in different categories."

Edmund seemed to think about this for a moment, before nodding slowly, and the he turned to his Mum.

"Can we eat them now?"


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