347: It felt so real

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December 13th - Prompt: Never ending


"Ed, Ed please don't cry." Peter murmured, voice choked as he sat his brother up, rubbing a hand up and down his back as his little brother sobbed.

Edmund pulled away from him though, shaking his head as tears trickled down his cheeks.

Peter was a little hurt by this, but he tried not to show it. "What did you dream about?" He asked.

Edmund froze at this sentence, and after a moment he slowly looked up at Peter. "Dream?" He whispered.

Peter swallowed hard, nodding. "Yeah," He replied gently. "You had a dream."

Edmund stared at him for a while, before taking a deep, shaky breath. "Peter?" He all but whimpered.

Peter's heart faltered, and he pulled Edmund close, relieved when his little brother just sank into his arms and relaxed.

His tears were still falling, but he was calm now, so Peter asked again. "What did you dream about?" He mumbled.

Edmund seemed to hesitate, before swallowing hard. "You - You didn't forgive me," He choked out. "You - You hated me, turned me away, said - said you were glad the witch stabbed me and that Lucy never should've healed me."

Tears sprang to Peter's eyes, and he tightened his grip around his brother's shoulders. "It was just a dream Ed, I promise." He said firmly.

"It felt so real though." Edmund cried softly, avoiding eye contact with his older brother.

"Ed look at me."

Edmund lowered his gaze.

"Look at me." Peter repeated, pulling away and gripping his shoulders.

Peter stared into Edmunds tear and guilt filled brown eyes, and his heart shattered. "I - I love you Ed, you're my brother and I love you," He said. "And that love is never ending, I will always love you and I will always forgive you." He paused, hesitating on moving on to the next thing Edmund had mentioned, but he knew he had to.
"The Witch stabbing you was the worst day of my entire life Ed, it completely broke me, you of all people know that. I was so scared I'd lost you and it broke my heart to see you in that much pain. I promise I am beyond grateful Lucy healed you, I wouldn't know what to do without you Ed."

He fell silent for a moment, and the two sat and stared at each other for a while, before Peter finished with a sigh, "I love you Edmund," He said firmly. "I forgave you for good reason, and I love you, you're my brother, and I will never, ever turn you away."

Edmund swallowed hard, before he lent forward and buried his face into Peter's chest. "I - I love you too." He choked out, voice shaking slightly.

Peter held him close, placing a brotherly kiss to the top of his head. "It was just a dream," He murmured. "I would never in my life say anything like that, I promise."


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