303: Don't ever think that

247 16 4

October 30th - Prompt: Leave the light on


"Come on Ed." Peter sighed, standing from the sofa.

Edmund frowned, staring up at his brother. "Where we going?" He asked quietly.

"Bed." Peter told him, helping him up.

Edmunds frown got deeper. "I'm not tired though." He mumbled hesitantly.

Peter chuckled gently. "There's no point in lying." He murmured. "You're dropping."

Edmund bit his lip, but nodded his head anyway, following his brother out into the corridor.

"I think it's this way." Peter mumbled, heading off down to his left. They'd only arrived at Cair Paravel that afternoon, so he still had no idea how to find his way around the place.

After a few wrong turns and a moment of being lost, Peter finally found the door of his bedroom, and led Edmund inside, closing the door and heading over to light a few candles.

Once he could actually see, he turned back to his brother. "You spending the night in here?" He asked.

Edmund faked a confused look. "Why would I?" He asked quietly. "I have my own room right next door."

Peter stared at him for a while, before taking a deep breath. "Okay," He said slowly, nodding his head. "I'll see you in the morning then."

Edmund swallowed hard, but nodded too, turning and grabbing the door handle, only to freeze when he did though.

Peter watched him carefully as he stared at the door, before Edmund sighed and turned back to face him. "Can I stay?" He all but whispered, voice choked and maybe slightly ashamed.

Peter's face fell. "Ed of course." He breathed. "I'm not gonna make you spend a night alone in a new environment after what happened, not if you don't want to."

Edmund swallowed hard. "I'd rather not be alone." He whispered. "It's silly I know-"

"No, Edmund." Peter said firmly. "Don't ever think that, it's not silly."

Edmund gave Peter a weak smile, before wandering over and sitting on the very edge of the large bed, keeping his eyes on the carpeted floor.

"I'll pop next door and get you some pajamas okay?" Peter told him, heading for the door.

Edmund nodded and waited rather impatiently for him to return, before moving to the bathroom to change.

Peter watched the door like a hawk until Edmund opened it, buttoning the top of his shirt as he wandered back into the bedroom, steps flagging exhaustion.

"Come on, in you get." Peter breathed, pulling back the covers and all but pushing his brother under them.

Edmund didn't seem to mind though, and settled down instantly, head sinking in to the pillow as he let out a quiet sigh.

"Are you okay if I go see what Susan's up to?" Peter said quietly. "I'll only be a few minutes."

Edmund bit his lip. "Just a few minutes?" He murmured.

"I promise." Peter said firmly.

Edmund nodded. "Okay." He whispered.

Peter placed a kiss to the top of his head, before standing and going to blow the candles out so Edmund could sleep.

"Leave the light on." Edmund said quickly, raising his head and looking really rather worried.

Peter frowned a little, but stood up straight from where he'd bent over to blow the first flame out. "Ed?" He questioned.

Edmund swallowed hard. "Please." He choked.

Peter stared at him for a long while. "Okay," He breathed eventually. "But only til I come back, we can't have them burning all night."

Edmund nodded. "That's fine." He murmured.

Peter gave him a weak smile, before he quietly left the room, hurrying to find Susan so he could get back to Edmund before his brother panicked

This seems so rushed I'm so sorry 😂

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