292: It was about Ed

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October 19th - Prompt: He was so young


Edmund gripped his book in his hand as he wandered up the stairs, heading for his room with a cup of tea.

He was intending on going to read for a while before dinner, and was going up quietly so he didn't disturb Peter, who wasn't very well.

He reached his bedroom door, and went to open it as quietly as he could, before stopping when he heard voices inside.

He stopped, frowning a little, before he managed to pick up both his brother's and Susan's voices.

"You okay?" Susan was asking, making Edmund press an ear against the door.

There was silence for a moment, before Peter answered with a shaky, "Yeah." Before Edmund literally heard him take a deep breath. "Just - Just a bad dream."

Edmunds face fell, the illness was giving him nightmares?

"Bad?" Susan asked softly.

Peter sniffed. "It was about Ed." He breathed.

Edmunds breath caught, and quickly decided not to go in there just yet.

"He - He was so young Su." Peter choked out. "So young, and She did that to him."

Edmund swallowed hard, knowing exactly who he was talking about without being told.

"I know," Susan comforted. "I know, but it was years ago, she's dead, and Edmunds fine."

"I know..."

Edmund took a deep breath, before shaking his head and grabbing the handle of the door, opening it and stepping inside, making himself known.

Both Susan and Peter looked up, and Edmund gave Peter a sympathetic smile at the state he was in. "Feeling any better?" He asked, placing his tea and book down on his bedside table.

Peter slowly lay down, shaking his head. "Not really." He breathed.

Edmund bit his lip. "You need anything?" He asked. "I could make you some tea?"

Peter smiled weakly, but shook his head. "Just come sit with me." He murmured, patting the bed beside him.

Edmund sighed sadly, wandering over and sitting next to his brother, who immediately grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly.

Susan caught Edmunds eye, and gave him a look that easily told him "I know you heard" but Edmund only shook his head at her, silently telling her not to mention it.

He turned away from his sister and placed the back of his hand to Peter's forehead, getting a sigh from him. "You're burning up." He mumbled.

"I know." Peter grumbled, pushing him hand away, but keeping a tight grip of his other one.

Edmund gave him a sympathetic smile, before laying down beside him, but Peter didn't move.

Susan, eventually realising what Peter was doing, slowly stood. "I'm going to help Mum with the dinner." She said quietly, placing a kiss to the top of Peter's head before quietly leaving, the door clicking closed behind her.

The second she was gone, Peter took a deep breath and curled against Edmunds side, finally letting his guard down.

Whilst Edmund was almost honoured that Peter was able to let his guard down around him, it did break his heart, and he quickly wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"I - I had a dream." Peter whispered. "About you - and the witch."

Edmund tightened his grip, nodding slowly. "I heard..."

Peter bit his lip. "I'm glad it was only a dream." He whispered, before his eyes slipped shut, and he eventually fell back into a deep, dreamless sleep, much to Edmunds relief.


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