225: Come home

323 14 4

August 13th - Prompt: we won't stop


Lucy glanced slowly up when she heard the front door open, and her and Edmund shared a nervous look.

"Susan's back..." Edmund murmured eventually, sighing a little.

"Two hours later then when Peter wanted her back..." Lucy added with a sigh.

"If I'm honest, if he gets angry it's totally justified," Edmund breathed. "It is two o'clock in the morning."

"I'm hoping he doesn't catch us still awake." Lucy said slowly.

Edmund shook his head. "He won't be mad at us." He sighed. "He knows we get just as worried when Susan stays up this late."

Lucy nodded slowly.

"Come on," Edmund murmured. "Let's go make sure they don't kill each other."


"Do you have any idea what time it is?"

Susan glanced up from where she'd just switched the light on, jumping when she saw Peter sat at the table, in his pajamas and dressing gown with a mug clutched in his hands. "What on earth are you doing sitting in the dark?" She muttered. "You made me jump."

Peter shook his head. "It's 2am Susan." He said. "I've been worried."

Susan sighed, placing her bag down on the side. "I got carried away." She muttered, sitting heavily down in the chair opposite Peter.

Peter frowned. "Have you been drinking?" He asked.

Susan frowned too. "I've had a few glasses of wine." She said. "What's that got to do with you anyway?"

Peter sighed. "You said you'd be back by midnight." He told her. "I told you to be back by midnight."

Susan snorted. "What, you think just because Mum and Dad are away, you're in charge?" She said.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "I am in charge." He told her. "Did you not hear Dad before he left?"

Susan rolled her eyes. "I don't have to do as I'm told Peter." She muttered. "I'm nearly 21 years old."

"And I'm 22." Peter stepped in. "I'm still older Susan, hence why I'm in charge. I don't want to boss you around trust me, I've always tried being a brother and not a father figure, because growing up you all needed an older brother more than you all let on. But sometimes I did have to be the father, and it would seem I have to tonight..."

Susan rolled her eyes a second time. "You're gonna wake Edmund and Lucy if you keep on rambling." She muttered.

"No I'm not." Peter said simply. "We both know they're sat at the top of the stairs listening."


"I told you he knew." Lucy hissed.

Edmund sighed. "Yeah well, he's not stupid is he?" He muttered. "Come on then..."

He began heading down the stairs, Lucy following behind him until he reached the kitchen, peering inside.

"I've had enough of this Narnia nonsense."

Edmund took a deep breath... The Narnia conversation had begun then...

Peter snorted. "Deep down you know it's not nonsense." He snapped, glancing up when Edmund and Lucy walked in.

Susan laughed, but it wasn't a nice laugh. "It's all nonsense." She said firmly. "And I think it's about time the three of you grew up and stopped playing stupid, childish games."

"Maybe it's about time you grew up!" Peter snapped.

"I have grown up!" Susan said, raising her voice. "It's you lot that haven't. Still playing the games we were playing when Lucy was 9! Edmund was twelve for goodness sake!"

Peter snorted. "Twelve, yeah." He murmured darkly. "So it made perfect sense to come up with the storyline we did for him."

Edmund took a deep breath, but Peter had a good point.

"You know what Edmund was like back then." Susan muttered. "He probably came up with the storyline."

Peter sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "You know what, it's late and I can't be bothered to argue with you. We won't stop Susan, because they're not games."

Peter stood from the table and marched from the room, heading up the stairs without another word.

Edmund and Lucy exchanged a look, and as usually, Edmund went up after Peter, and Lucy walked over to Susan.

Edmund found Peter on his bed, sat at the end and staring at the wall.


Peter took a deep breath, glancing up as his brother walked over. "Hey." He murmured. "You should get some sleep."

Edmund sighed, sitting next to him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Peter hesitated. "It breaks my heart everytime she says Narnia is just a game." He whispered. "And I feel like such a failure when she does-"

"None of this is your fault Peter." Edmund said quickly. "Susan made her own choices that you had no control over. Please don't blame yourself."

"I -" Peter shook his head. "I just wish she'd believe again, I wish I could do something to help her believe."

Edmund nodded. "We all do Peter, trust me, I want that more than anything." He said. "But all we can do is pray, okay?"

Peter smiled weakly. "I have been." He whispered.

"Jesus, or Aslan, or God," Edmund frowned playfully before chuckling, "...has a plan for Susan, we just have to trust in him, he knows what he's doing."

Peter stared at him, before nodding slowly. "Yeah." He whispered.

"Now come on," Edmund breathed after a while. "We all need to get some sleep, that much is obvious."

He stood from the bed, walking over to turn off the light, but before he could he was stopped by Peter.

"You'll never leave, will you?" He choked.

Edmunds face fell. "Never Peter," He murmured sincerely. "Never in a million years, and Lucy won't either. I promise."

Peter smiled weakly, before nodding. "I - I know." He whispered, before burying himself under the covers.

Edmund bit his lip as he switched off the light, and as the room was plunged into darkness, he sighed and whispered a simple prayer.

For Susan to one day come back, for her to one day remember... for her to one day come home.


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