294: It could only happen to me

268 16 7

October 21st - Prompt: This might hurt


"Gosh it's hot." Edmund grumbled, dragging his feet behind him as he made his way through the woods.

Peter glanced at him, nodding in agreement. "The sun's setting," He mumbled. "That's probably why."

Edmund sighed. "We're a long way from home still." He murmured. "Another what - Six hours?" 

Peter bit his lip, nodding a little again. "It'll be alright." He breathed. "We'll be home in plenty of time for Lucy's birthday."

Edmund smiled. "Well, we better," He breathed. "She might kill us if we're not home in time."

Peter chuckled softly, "It has been a fun camping trip though." He murmured.

Edmund nodded. "It has," He replied. "It's been nice, thank you."

Peter smiled, nodding, before taking a deep breath.

They continued walking for around half an hour, before Peter noticed Edmund was falling behind, and stopped, turning. "You wanna take a break and have something to eat?" He asked as Edmund made to catch up with him.

Edmund nodded. "That actually sounds like a pretty good idea." He breathed. "I'm-"

But he cut himself off with an agonising scream that echoed through the whole woods, voice hoarse and choked.

Peter had seen everything happen in slow motion... he'd seen Edmund stand on something extremely well hidden under the leaves, he'd watched as that something had sprung to life, and as sharp, metal teeth had clamped around his right leg, piercing his skin and causing him to collapse, instantly having no strength to hold himself up.


Peter wasted no time in rushing over to his brother, tears already in his eyes as Edmund continued to cry out, his screams tearing at his heart.

"Breathe Ed, Breathe, calm down, deep Breaths, come on." Peter said hastily, ignoring whatever had trapped his brother's leg for the moment and concentrating on getting Edmund to just breathe.

Edmund was gasping and choking, whimpering, groaning, crying... trying to move his leg.

"Stay still Ed, Stay still." Peter murmured, grabbing his brother's shoulders. "Breathe."

Edmund eventually stopped crying out, but he was still in so much pain, so much agony, and his face clearly showed that.

Edmund had tears rolling down his cheeks, his eyes were scrunched up in pain, his skin was white as snow. He was trembling, his teeth chattering because of how much he was shaking, and he was choking on every breath he tried to take, worrying Peter beyond words.

Peter cupped his cheeks with his slightly shaking hands, wiping away tears with his thumbs as he took a deep breath. "Breathe Eddy," He murmured. "I know it hurts, I know it does, but try and breathe okay?" 

Edmund choked harshly, but he seemed to nod his head, and within two minutes, he was laying on his back on the ground, barely moving, his breathing fast but not desperate, and still shaking. 

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