233: I know

289 15 5

August 21st - Prompt: You're not safe here


Peter swallowed hard as he sat, sagged against a tree and tied tightly to it too.

The ropes were tight enough to slow his breathing, making it hard to take deep breaths, making him a little lightheaded.

He glanced around the dark woods, the large gash on the side of his head giving him a lovely headache, not to mention the multiple brusies he had after fighting for freedom.

The camp was mostly quiet, complete silence surrouding him, as most of the witches followers were in tents, getting a few hours sleep before they continued with their horrid plan.

Peter would try an escape, but that was near impossible. The ropes binding him had bits of sharp glass and shards of metal sticking from it, which had already pierced his skin, leading to every breath being more painful than it should be, and escaping from that just wasn't possible.

He had no choice but to just sit there and wait for either the witches followers to wake up, or to be rescued.

What he was not expecting though was to be rescued by his stubborn, stupid little brother.

"Ed?" Peter hissed as Edmund knelt in front of him. "What the heck are you doing here?"

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Rescuing you of course." He whispered, pulling a knife from his belt and proceeding to gently cut through the ropes tying his older brother to the tree.

"Are you mad!" Peter snapped, voice a whisper. "You're not safe here, they're the witches followers Ed, I don't have to ask them to know that they'd want you as their captive way more than they'd want me."

"Well then stop talking and let's get out of here." Edmund told him, managing to cut through the ropes, only to swallow hard when he realised he was gonna have to remove the glass by hand from his brother's stomach.

"Don't make a sound." He hissed. "This is gonna hurt."

Peter rolled his eyes, but allowed his brother to remove the glass and metal, wincing every now and then but breathing out slowly when they were all gone. "Thank you." He murmured weakly.

Edmund smiled in the darkness. "Can you stand?" He asked, sheathing his knife.

Peter nodded. "Yeah." He breathed. "I'm okay."

Edmund helped him to his feet, steadying him when he swayed, and sighing. "Are you hurt badly?" He asked.

Peter shook his head. "Just some bruises and a gash." He breathed. "I promise."

Edmund relaxed at the promise, before taking Peter's arm and leading him off to the left.

Once they were a safe distance from the camp, Peter pulled Edmund to a stop, staring at him. "Why did you do that Ed?" He asked.

Edmund frowned. "Well I wasn't just gonna leave you there was I." He muttered.

Peter sighed. "But, anyone else could've rescued me." He said. "Why you, especially seeming as it was the witches followers."

Edmund bit his lip. "They wanted to wait until it was safe," He explained. "Until they had a proper plan-"

"You didn't have a plan for this rescue?!"

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Not the point." He snapped, before sighing. "Truth is I couldn't wait, because I know Peter. I know what it's like to be tied to a tree, in the middle of the night, to be taunted, to be hurt, to wonder if I'll ever see my family again, and I couldn't just leave you there to suffer through all of that, not when I know how it feels. I wanted to spare you from it as soon possible."

Peter stared at him for a while, before he swallowed hard. "Oh Ed." He whispered, before going to pull Edmund into a hug.

Edmund stopped him though. "Don't hurt yourself." He said. "Your 'just a few bruises' probably means that just moving your arms hurt. Wait until we get home and you've seen the healers, then you can hug me to your hearts content."

Peter chuckled weakly, nodding. "I'll hold you to that." He murmured.

Edmund smiled gently. "I'm sure you will."


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