247: I hate you

283 16 4

September 4th - Prompt: Time alone


"What the heck is wrong with you!" Peter snapped.

Edmund glared back at him. "Just leave me alone Peter." He growled, laying on his bed.

Peter shook his head. "No," He muttered. "You've been acting funny with me all week and I haven't done anything wrong! Just because you're mad, it does not mean you have to take it out on me!"

Edmund rolled his eyes. "It's the fact that you seem quite up for being shipped off to the country next week!" He snapped.

Peter's eyes went wide. "You think I'm happy about it?!" He cried. "No, I'm just putting on a brave face for you three! One of us has gotta be strong around here, and in case it had slipped you mind, that seems to be my job."

"You're not even trying to change Mum's mind!" Edmund cried.

"Because it can't be changed!" Peter snapped. "Edmund, Mum's sending us away to keep us safe, or would you rather be bombed and killed?!"

"I wish Dad were here." Edmund growled. "He wouldn't send us away."

"If Dad was here, there would be no reason for us to be sent away, because there wouldn't be a war!" Peter cried.

Edmund glared at Peter for a moment, before glancing at the smashed picture frame, swallowing hard as he stared at the photo of his Dad.

"What you did last night was beyond stupid." Peter told him.

"So you've told me." Edmund grumbled, standing from his bed.

"You know what," Peter muttered. "I give up with you."

"No, I give up with you!" Edmund snapped. "I hate you!"

And with that he rushed out the door, and not long after Peter heard the front door open, causing him to run off down the stairs, where he saw his Mum just coming in from doing the shopping. "Where's Ed off too in such a hurry?" She asked, looking a little concerned.

Peter sighed. "We - we had an argument." He murmured, looking guilty.

Helen sighed. "Another one?" She asked.

Peter nodded a little. "Should I go after him?" He asked.

Helen thought for a moment, before shaking her head. "He'll go down the park." She told him. "Give him some time alone yeah?"

Peter hesitated, but eventually agreed.

"Come help me make dinner?" Helen suggested, smiling gently at her eldest Son.

Peter took a deep breath, forcing  smile as he nodded. "Sure."


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