358: I can't sleep

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December 24th - Prompt: Christmas Eve



Peter frowned as he woke to the quiet whisper. He tried to ignore it at first, but when his little brother tried again and again to wake him he had no choice but to open his eyes. "What is it?" He murmured, glancing up at Edmund.

Edmund bit his lip, hesitating. "I can't sleep." He whispered. 

Peter sighed. "That's just because you're excited because it's Christmas Eve." He mumbled. "But the longer it takes you to fall asleep the longer it will take for Christmas to come." 

Edmund sat down on the edge of Peter's bed. "Can I read for a little while?" He asked. 

Peter slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes. "That means you'll have to put a torch on." He breathed. 

Edmund looked down, "I'll hide under the covers?" He said slowly. 

Peter thought for a moment, glancing at the clock. "Half an hour," he said quietly. "Settle down by midnight please." 

Edmund smiled. "Thanks," He said happily. "Night."

Peter couldn't help but chuckle gently as Edmund ran back to his bed, and with a sigh he lay back down. 

"See you on Christmas morning." Edmund whispered from across the room. 

Peter smiled. "See you on Christmas morning."


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