272: Salt

229 16 5

September 29th - Prompt: Puzzle


"You think putting salt in my tea was funny?"

Edmund smirked, staring at his brother. "It was sugar." He said sweetly.

"That did not taste like sugar." Peter told him. "Besides, I don't even have sugar in my tea."

"Then how do you know what it tastes like?" Edmund grinned. "It was sugar."

"Tell that to my taste buds." Peter said, before taking a deep breath and cracking his knuckles. "Right..."

Edmund smirked. "You'll have to catch me first." He said, before running from the room.

"Edmund Alexander Pevensie you get back here right now before I force a whole table spoon of salt down your throat!" Peter called after him, before smirking and following.

He chased his brother down three hallways, until Edmund looked behind him whilst running, suddenly slipping on the marble floor and crashing to the floor.

Peter's eyes went wide. "Crap." He muttered, before running over to him and falling to his knees at his side. "Ed?" He asked. "You good?"

Edmund took a deep breath, looking extremely dazed, which concerned Peter.

"Ed talk to me." Peter said, grabbing Edmunds shoulders and sitting him up against the wall.

Edmund blinked a few times, before frowning. "Peter?" He mumbled.

"Yeaaah..." Peter said slowly, heart skipping a beat.

"What happened?" Edmund practically whispered.

Peter frowned deeply. "You slipped." He sighed. "And I have a feeling you might of hit your head."

"I did?" Edmund mumbled. "Huh."

Peter bit his lip, figuring Edmund may have a concussion. "Do you feel okay?" He asked.

Edmund thought for a moment. "Perhaps a bit dizzy." He said slowly. "And sick."

Peter swallowed hard, confusion, sickness, dizziness... definitely a concussion. "Come on," He sighed. "We need to get you into bed."

Edmund nodded slowly, before groaning and burying his face into Peter's shoulder. "My head hurts." He grumbled.

"I know, I know, that's usually what happens with a concussion." Peter breathed, before smiling gently. "Although maybe this will teach you to stop putting salt in my tea."

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Eh, the concussion was worth it." He teased weakly.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "You're a puzzle Edmund, you know that?" He said.

Edmund nodded. "I've been told I'm a very confusing person yes." He responded. "Usually by you."

"You are." Peter replied, worried at the way Edmund's words were becoming slurred. "You'd give yourself concussion just to prank me."

"Worth it." Edmund whispered, before taking a deep breath. "This headache is getting worse."

Peter nodded. "You need to go to bed." He said. "And I'll get a healer to check you over."

Edmund didn't even have the strength to argue about this, and only nodded a little.

Peter helped Edmund up to his room and into bed, pulling the covers over him and pushing his dark hair back from his face. "Get some rest." He said, before smirking. "I'll go make you some tea."

Edmunds eyes opened part way. "Yeah, I'm good thanks." He whispered.

Peter only laughed.


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