49- Sculpted suspicion

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Vince's POVI took him up to the base's pool, which is where couples tend to gather because of its laid-back atmosphere

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Vince's POV
I took him up to the base's pool, which is where couples tend to gather because of its laid-back atmosphere.
I needed to know if I could expect the same energy from this person. I wanted to kiss him, I didn't want to swim. "Oh so this is where you're going to do CPR on me," he said with a gently smiled while I chuckled.
He may come out as a tough guy, but I am sure that I can get beyond his defenses. He's wearing black round glasses and looked adorably nerdy, but isn't that for the best? Nerds are simple to control and please.

I'm wearing much of a basic white suit, "So you texted me today and claimed to be Willow, right? I'm confused because I had a situation where the head of our enemy deceived me into going on a date after mentioning Willow Collymore."
I said while observing him.

"I really don't know who did that to you but I'm so sorry, I have nothing to do with that story? But yea he used my name, I'm Willow Collymore,"
"How can I put my faith in you, stay close to you, and not assume that you are Ripper's helper?"
"Don't worry, I first mistook you for a boy when you texted Nathara, but when Viper asked you to stop, I realized it was the attractive woman I had seen in the station. This guy must be a psychopath for treating you that way. What was the cause?" he asked.
"He still wants Nathara's unending love for him; she is the mafia boss, and your brother also cares for her, which is why he attempted to intimidate her by trying to put us in danger."
Everything was so messy but I hoped he could comprehend a bit.

"I spotted a tattoo." I was interested in the tattoo on his upper arm that resembles a sculpture. It seemed to have a deeper meaning. "Is it personal?" I wondered.

"Yes, it symbolizes my mother, who gave me attention and neglected my brother. It was difficult to witness her yell at him whenever he did something wrong because she always feels good doing that. As a result, I developed a toxic relationship with my mother and eventually left her after my father passed away."

Just how did he open up so quickly? I can believe Willow since his words are close to Viper's when he opened up to Nathara about it.
"I'm sorry that happened; do you still feel vulnerable as a result of this topic?" It looked so good on his arm.
"I'm used to it, but it can still be emotionally taxing at times."
"We both opened up about it quite fast,"

We were strolling by the pool when I suddenly found myself wanting to change the subject to a kiss because I needed to know if he was the one.
To make Willow blush, I drew closer to him and gripped the back of his neck.
I leaned in to kiss him.


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