50- Does it cost betrayal

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Vince's POV I shoved him into the couch behind him

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Vince's POV
I shoved him into the couch behind him. His breath began to speed, and his hands were placed on my body. Despite the modest push he pushed me, he was still unable to escape the pleasure I had given him. I attempted to sit on top of him, but as soon as I did, I felt him grow. I continued kissing him because his lips were so magnetically drawn to mine that neither of us could control the force. It felt as though he had surrendered for me as my hands first contacted his neck.
I took his glasses off so we could make out even harder and for him to feel my control of the moment. "I, this is my first time, and first kiss, be gentle please," He said, but I did what I pleased.
Willow's POV
I realized I would go to any lengths for this woman and that I was sensitive because it was my first time experiencing something so incredible. "Oh god." I whispered slowly, I couldn't collide my lips with hers for a long time because every move she made made me feel confused and forced me to keep my mouth open while we were kissing. I felt like I was about to explode. I was controlled by each touch.
Then I sensed a very cold feeling in the middle of my right arm where my tattoo was, I backed off a bit "What's going on?" as I noticed my tattoo flickering slowly. I asked Vince, "this is the first time I've seen that, but I think its the cause of my energy."
I looked confused once again, "you know the powers we have..." she added due to my confused face, and then I remembered.

Reader's POV
Nathara wasn't in the best of circumstances as poor Viper searched for her. Locked up in a huge, shallow, and gloomy house in a lively, well-lit area with no sign that anyone who could provide assistance was nearby.


Venom walked around the room staring at Nathara while both her hands are bind together on a brittle seat. "You know I didn't want to do that to you, but Ripper's love for you did," Venom muttered. "I'm not sorry for it either."-"And after doing that to me, what are your plans?" Nathara asked, "Since you always shared your plans with me, I'll share mine. I want to use you to threaten Ripper." She spoke. Thinking that someone might fall in love with a psychotic person led Nathara to remain silent.
Or perhaps he was just obsessed.
She sat there, unable to tell the time or where she was; she hadn't spoken to any of her friends in the past two days; and nobody knew what was going on."Rest here, my dear princess." Venom stated as she firmly locked the large door behind her.

Nathara wasn't as terrified as she was perplexed, rather than anything else. Was Ripper's love for her the reason Venom was so against her—did love at first sight include betrayal?

After Venom left, she visited Ripper at his house, and only she knew about it. So believe this was the first time he trusted the wrong person. Venom came dangerously close to visiting him, but this time she brought one truth and one total lie. She had a mafia-owned luxury car, a typical black sports car that she had parked next to Ripper's place. She smiled subtly as she stepped from of the car making her way to his house.

Since they had previously worked together, she was accustomed to entering the house normally. When Ripper hears a noise at the door, he looks up and is startled. "Hey, darling," she drew herself closer to him with a wide grin, "do you remember when you ordered me to fuck off and never come back again and that Nathara is protected and I can't approach her?," Venom asked, enjoying the sight of Ripper's frightened face.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" he got up immediately and stopped what he was doing. Venom relished her expressions of fear and rage as she threw him a cold gaze.


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