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Advice Request
This person is starting high school at a new school.

Answered Submission

It’s good to prepare for bad teachers in advance. Keep in mind, regardless of whether the teacher is strict or very comfortable with you, you should always respect all teachers. Being loud isn’t appropriate behavior in class, especially since someone is trying their best to teach you. Try and think of yourself in the teacher’s position and imagine if a student was distracting others in the class, that would feel quite hurtful or upsetting right? So try your best not to distract others and yourself from a good opportunity to learn.

If you can’t help but be loud, try to not sit next to your friends in this particular class. If you want to talk, asking the teacher a question related to the topic being taught is a good way to work around that urge in a polite and productive manner. This will give the teacher a better impression that you’re paying attention. The only way to be a teacher’s pet (in a good way!) is to do well in their class. Ask questions when required, talk a little bit with the teacher after the class ends about the topic or any other question, be polite and don’t use your phone in class. If the class is boring, excuse yourself to the restroom, do a few jumps and splash some water on yourself.

The goal is to keep in mind that you’re here for education. Classes are a rare opportunity to let yourself and others be taught and gain knowledge you didn’t have before you entered.

Even if you can’t be the best student in the class, try to be an average lowkey student that doesn’t stand out by shouting too much, being arrogant or mean, or using phones or skipping classes. The teacher won’t be mean if you do nothing wrong and she can’t scold you for you score well. Good luck with your new high school, hope everything goes well for you. Feel free to reach out again.

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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