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Advice Request
This person has feelings for their long time friend and doesn't know if they should confess.

Answered Submission

Crushes are scary; crushes on friends are more so, in my opinion. Nobody likes rejection, but to think of losing a friend over unrequited feelings is an internal battle known to many. Take that to show that you are not alone!

As for what to do, you have a few options. I'll break them down into categories. If you want to tell him, you can:
Talk to him in private. Since you see him at school, this can be a little tricky, but really, it's all in how you go about it. I'd suggest asking him casually to talk. For example, "Hey, come here for a second!" or "Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" That way, you can catch his attention and draw the conversation to a more private area (even just a couple yards away to be out of earshot works fine) where you can talk to him without the pressure of his friends overhearing.

Ask him to the dance! Even something simple like, "Let's go to the dance together," or "Do you want to go to the dance (together/with me)?" can get your point across without the pressure of overtly confessing your feelings. It also puts the ball in his court. If he says no, or that he already has other plans, you can play it off smoothly with an "Aw, that's too bad. See you there, though," and move on.

Your last option is to simply let things lie. You can go on as you always have and just not tell him how you feel. You'd have to work on yourself on your end to work past those feelings, but it is very doable should you decide to go that route.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what you want to do and where you want to take this. Personally, dating is not something I think people should worry about until they're in high school or older, but that is just my personal belief. If you deem these feelings important enough to confess, then by all means, do what you see fit. That's really what it comes down to. How important are these feelings to you? Take a little bit to ponder that question.

I hope this helps, love. I wish you the best, and I hope you have fun at the dance, should you go! Feel free to message us anytime.

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