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Advice Request
This person feels scared to share their issues with their friends.

Answered Submission

It’s tough to be in a spot where you want to share your feelings but have no one around you. But, thankfully, you have your friends and family around you. It’s never nice to constantly feel surrounded by negatives, so your friends won’t enjoy it if you constantly tell them about your problems of course. But since you say that you don’t constantly tell them about it and say it only when you’re struggling or when they ask, then that’s good. Because being able to share your feelings with your friends is a basic requirement of friendship.

When we are distressed or going through some things, we often get this "me vs the world" mentality. We are convinced that everyone is against us, no one does anything for us, no one will understand, everyone will judge us, and no one will ever care.

This is untrue. People do care and your friends will too. In fact, they probably already do. Open up to them more. Tell your friends about your problems when you need to. Once you get everything off your chest, you'll feel better. Please don’t think you burden others with your thoughts and emotions. If your friends genuinely care about you, they’d support you throughout your troubles. And if they’re actively asking about your problems, it shows their concern and interest.

Additionally, please don’t hesitate to reach out to another person. If you are going through something, then you really need to let it all out to somebody, lest it all bottles up inside you. Do you have anyone you trust? A teacher? School counselor? Therapist? Parent? Sibling(s)? Any other person you trust in your life? Reach out to them with what you're going through.

However, in the meanwhile, I want you to open up to your friends slowly about your problems. Start conversations. You don't have to mention much of your problems or trauma dump just yet. Work yourself up to a level where, you can trust your friends as support people to go to without fear of judgment when you're going through something.

I hope this helps and Take care!

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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