Chapter 2

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You looked at Vincent. He had purple hair, and his eyes were white and lifeless. You shivered.

Suddenly he kissed you. Your eyes widened. You shoved him off of you.

"Hey, creepo, I didn't say you could kiss me!" You growled.

"Well I did~" Vincent purred, smirking.

You slipped one of your hands free and before he could react, you grabbed his shoulder and then pushed him off. You flipped around and pinned him against the wall. You smirked, and he stared at you, his eyes wide in shock.

"Now leave me alone, creepo."

"Okay, fine.."

You let go of him and stomped off.

~Vincent's POV~

I watched her stomp off.

Her sparkling (E/C) eyes, though.. They were so beautiful.

I shook my head.

You're a killer. She'd never love you back, anyways...

I ignored that voice in the back of my head as I thought about her beautiful (H/L) [Hair Length], (H/C) hair... I sighed.

~~~Time Skip~~~

~Your POV~

You set down on your couch. You yawned as your phone rang. You picked it up.

"Hey (Y/N)."

Dangit, it was your boss! You'd totally forgotten about your new job at Freddy's.

"Uh, hi."

"You're still coming to Freddy's tonight, right?"


"Okay. Well, see you later."

"See you."

You hung up. You looked down at your (F/C) [Favorite Color] watch. 10:50. You got dressed in your uniform and then headed outside and hopped into your car.

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now