Random (A/N)

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(Random A/N)

Ali (yes the character you all know and love *cough* hate *cough*) was an OC my cousin and I created a long time ago to represent her in another story I made. (I'm gonna go ahead and say that Ali and my cousin aren't really that alike. and she doesn't really know what I put these stories lel)

So I a while ago we were talking and I was like "Everyone hates Ali in this other story I'm writing. " So she's like "What!? Why!?" And in the nicest possible way I "EXAGGERATED" that she knocked him out... She's like "They hate her for that?" And I nodded.

She replied with "Tell them 'Ali' said to get a life."

And I was just like "...K."

A Guy to Die For (Purple Guy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now